
Wednesday Walkabout - Take 10!

Welcome to the tenth week of Wednesday Walkabout! Thank you so much for hanging out with us, linking up, and reading new blogs. It feels crazy that we've been doing this for ten whole weeks now. But crazy awesome! =)

A little info about the Walkabout:

This is a weekly linky party with myself and 3 other co-hosts. The idea? Just put your URL in the linky (it can be a specific post or your "homepage"- whichever you prefer), visit a few other blogs, and possibly make some new friends. Easy peasy, right?!

Oh, and you only have to link up with ONE of the co-hosts. =) 

We're starting something new next week!

One participant will be chosen as the "Mystery Host" and will have their link in slot #5 in the linky, and will also be featured in Rule #1. Keep an eye out next week to see if you are our Mystery Host!

There are just a few quick rules we've set for the linky party...

1. Please follow at least ONE hostess, and let us know you're a new follower and how you follow!

Sarah - G.I. Joe's Wife (That's me!)
Chantal - Scattered Seashells 
Jane - Taingamala 

2. Try to visit 3-4 blogs that interest you. Take some time and let them know where you came from.

3. Grab the button from my sidebar and spread the word! (Not required, but just cool if you do.) The more, the merrier.

Thanks for stopping by! Happy blog-hopping!

P.S. Don't forget to check out my blog series, 31 Days of Breastfeeding. I'm loving this series...even though I'm not exactly posting every day. If you've got any breastfeeding questions, feel free to leave them in the comments or send me an email! =)

P.P.S Happy Halloween! Be safe out there!


Not JUST Weight Loss

Several weeks ago I posted about a 5 week challenge I was doing. The challenge was not just to start exercising and eating better, but to be "active" in reading (and memorizing and meditating on) God's Word. It was exactly the kick-start I needed. 

I'd been stuck in a rut for far too long.... Eating what I wanted, when I wanted and how much I wanted. It wasn't a good thing, even though eating all those good things sure was (and is!) nice. Even though I was exclusively breastfeeding (up until the 1st of October, anyway), my weight wasn't coming off. But it's hard to expect to lose when you don't exercise and don't have some sort of control over what you eat! I knew I needed to do something, but I couldn't (and can't) make the change on my own. It's too easy to say, "I'll try again Monday" or "Maybe when Charlotte's doing ___ I'll try" or "I just don't feel like it." A true procrastinator can find any excuse to avoid doing something. 

Thanks to my bestie and my fabulous SIL, we've worked together on this challenge. The challenge has already ended, but we're still keeping each other accountable. We check in on FB daily. We talk about our struggles, our victories, what encourages us and what convicts us. It's a pretty awesome system, especially when you factor in the fact that we each live in a different state and time zone. Obviously I'm the furthest one out, but it's still pretty darn awesome. With their accountability and my Bible studies, I've been able to do a lot. I'm on my way to a total lifestyle change, and I'm already seeing some of the benefits.

This is me when I started the 5 week challenge, weighing *gulp* 160lbs. {I can't even believe I just put this number on my blog...}

And this is me just a few days ago...weighing 151.5lbs. Yes, I lost 8.5 pounds in 5 weeks!

I know the recent photos are more zoomed out, but I didn't realize that until I went to edit them a day later. *sigh* But, seriously... I can't believe how much I've lost in just a short time! I'd love to attribute it to breastfeeding and working out, but that's not the whole story.

So what have I done? I've done a lot, though it may not seem like it. 

Bible study. 

As I said before, I'm on my way to a lifestyle change. And that is thanks to God and God alone. The big game-changer for me is my way of thinking. Not thinking of food as the enemy, but sin and Satan. (Which is actually the truth.) Not thinking of exercising as another chore (although it certainly feels that way sometimes!), but as a way to honor God. And the way I've changed my thinking in these areas is through the Setting the Captives Free study I'm doing, called The Lord's Table. It's a 60 day, very in-depth study on sinful eating habits and how only turning to God can free me from them. Yes, it's true, you can have sinful eating habits. I'm an overeater. I may not look like one, but I am. I want to change that. I want to have a healthy body and I want to not feel overwhelmed by cravings.

I'm also participating in studies done by #SheReadsTruth. I'm not always "attached" to the online community there, but I do participate in their studies online. I love them. It's usually a very great add-on to the Captives Free study. God has a wonderful way of tying them in together when I least expect it.


Exercising is part of having a healthy body. I don't believe God ever meant for us to be lying about all day... Or just going about our day not being active. Exercise has always been difficult for me. I have allowed my asthma to be an excuse to not work out in the past. And yeah, some days it keeps me from doing a full workout. I can't use that excuse, though, because I can do something. I'm not an invalid. And I need  to do something. Working out actually helps when I'm doing it consistently. Imagine that

I've been doing Lindsay Brin's Postnatal Boot Camp 2-3 days a week. It's a heck of a cardio and toning DVD program with all sorts of different workouts. I'm doing her 12 week program because it's easier than piecing together my own. But seriously, it's hard. It's not Jillian Michaels hard, but it's close. I'm also doing Pilates on the other days. I take 2-3 rest days because, well, I'm not in great shape. Also, I think working out 4 days a week is a feat when you have a 6 month old, laundry, dishes, meals and a husband to take care of.


It's in quotations because I'm not dieting. I'm just changing my outlook on food. The Bible (and God!) specifically says there are no foods I cannot eat. None. But it does say this:

Everything is permissible but not everything is beneficial. ~ 1 Corinthians 10:23

So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. ~ 1 Corinthians 10:31

So I'm trying my hardest to only eat when I'm hungry - really hungry. I can convince myself I'm hungry when I'm really not. Like when I'm bored or upset or lonely. It's hard not to eat during those times!! And when I'm "PMSinsg"? OMG is it hard. And when I do eat, I try very hard to only eat until I'm full. Not "I'm going to explode" full, but "Yeah, I think I've had enough" full. Learning the difference can be hard.


I've started reading the book Made to Crave. I'm only a few chapters in, but I can relate to everything the author talks about. It's refreshing to know I'm not the only one dealing with an addiction to food, giving in to cravings and eating too much during a meal. And it helps to be given ways to understand that we humans were made to crave...but we weren't made to crave food or anything here on earth. God made us to crave Him. He made us to crave a relationship with Him because He's the only one who can really, truly satisfy us and bring meaning to our lives. 

So there it is, folks. My "diet" and weight loss plan. Not much of a diet and not much of a plan, but more of a "this is how I'm doing it." More accurately, this is how God is working in my life. And it's awesome. And hard. And amazing. And hard. Overcoming this, losing weight, and changing my lifestyle isn't easy. But I know - I know - it will be worth it!


Wednesday Walkabout!

Hello, my lovely readers!

Welcome to another wonderful week of Wednesday Walkabout! Thank you so much for hanging out with us, linking up, and reading new blogs. I don't know about y'all, but I've found some great blogs through this little linkup of ours!

A little info about the Walkabout:

This is a weekly linky party with myself and 3 other co-hosts. The idea? Just put your URL in the linky (it can be a specific post or your "homepage"- whichever you prefer), visit a few other blogs, and possibly make some new friends. Easy peasy, right?!

Oh, and you only have to link up with ONE of the co-hosts. =) 

There are just a few quick rules we've set for the linky party...

1. Please follow at least ONE hostess, and let us know you're a new follower and how you follow!

Sarah - G.I. Joe's Wife (That's me!)
Chantal - Scattered Seashells 
Jane - Taingamala 

2. Try to visit 3-4 blogs that interest you. Take some time and let them know where you came from.

3. Grab the button from my sidebar and spread the word! (Not required, but just cool if you do.) The more, the merrier.

Thanks for stopping by! Happy blog-hopping!

P.S. Don't forget to check out my new blog series, 31 Days of Breastfeeding. I'm loving this series...even though I'm not exactly posting every day. If you've got any breastfeeding questions, feel free to leave them in the comments or send me an email! =)


Pausing for Heart Talk

I can't decide if I really want to post this, but I do need to get it out. So here I am. Taking a break from my 31 Days of Breastfeeding series to talk about my "stuff." My family junk that has me so...frustrated, sick to my stomach, and a little bit heart broken.

Source: 123rf.com via Sarah on Pinterest

A while back, Joe's parents offered to get us to NC for Christmas this year. I was more on the cautious, unsure side about doing this. {I mean, hello, flying with an 8/9 month old across and ocean and continent....!} Joe, of course, was over the moon and chomping at the bit. Obviously moms and dads have different opinions on flying/traveling with a baby. Haha. Anyway. One of my concerns was not being able to go see my family. Even though we've done it for the last 4 years, I knew not being able to go this year would impact them. Mainly because of Charlotte. {I'm well aware that I am chopped liver compared to her.} I dreaded telling them we were going because I knew it would not be easy for them to hear or understand.

Once the tickets were bought last week (ish), I couldn't hide it anymore. In fact, hiding the knowledge that we were going to get tickets and go was torture. I almost "spilled the beans" several times on accident. So I called my mom. Actually, before that I typed out everything I wanted to say so that I'd actually say it. I'm notorious for not remembering what I wanted to say during a discussion. It really, really sucks and having a baby did not help that at all. Anyway. What was I saying? Oh yes. The family. I called Mom and told her, while reading my script. It actually went a whole heck of a lot better than I thought it was. She didn't seem to be upset and she definitely didn't react the way I had foreseen. Even though it went better than I thought, I still had reservations. I had this sinking feeling that she wasn't being totally honest with me. 

Then came time to tell my grandparents. Initially Mom said she wanted to tell them. I was only kind of okay with that... Then the next morning, Mom texts me saying she doesn't want to tell them. Papa isn't in great health and she thought it would make him worse. And it would upset Nana. Even though that might be the truth, I wasn't okay with lying to them. Because God knows I'd let it slip in conversation or Mom would and then that would just be bad for all parties involved. So then Mom tells me to take a few days and think and pray about it. (As if a few days is going to make lying the correct solution...or make God tell me lying is the answer. HA!) And before I can tell her my plan of "attack" the next day...I get a text message saying, "I told Nana and Papa. They're upset and hurt. You might want to give them a few days before you call them."

Naturally, I was pissed. I mean, who wouldn't be?! So I told her it wasn't fair that she went ahead and did it because Joe and I had made a different decision. I didn't exactly say it like that, but it was along those lines. Anyway, she never really answered me.

Then Saturday, I called my grandparents to check in, fully expecting to give them an explanation on why we're going to NC and won't be able to see them, even though we really want to. I got something totally different. Apparently, my Mom has drug my 80something grandparents into the drama she and my (step)dad have created. Although Nana did attempt to put it in a somewhat nice manner, I was basically told that:

My mom thinks I don't love her.

They all think that Joe is manipulating me.

Because I say "Joe and I decided ___" I don't have a mind of my own.

I need to stand up to my husband. {Haven't figured out why they think I have a reason/need to.}

I should've stood up for Mom when she was here in June, instead of standing by my husband when I actually agreed with him. {Someone PLEASE tell me how that would've been great for my marriage.}

They're all upset because I don't want to live near them (but in NC) whenever Joe gets out of the Army.

I need to make things right with my parents. {Because they don't have ANYTHING to apologize for.}

Here's the biggest problem: Joe and I decided to move to NC when we got married. Mostly because he wanted to, and partially because I wanted to. I made the decision to live where he wanted to. Plus, I really wanted to get the heck out of my hometown. Like really. And then they pushed and pushed and pushed me, telling me how awful I was for leaving my family and that {sorry} my MIL was manipulating everyone into moving back to NC because that's where her family lives. By the time our wedding day rolled around, {after my (step)dad offered me $2000 to elope and get the F out of his house} I was beyond ready to leave. And the hardest part for them is that I grew to really like Joe's family. One of his sisters (Anna) is one of my closest friends and having her as family is a total bonus. I get along with all of them really well. 

Another problem: they don't agree with or understand our decisions. They don't really try to understand either. What they don't understand, they criticize, beat down and attempt to destroy. This results in them trying to force their advice/opinions on me. My (step)dad actually asked me a few weeks ago if I was going to get a job when we move to GA in the spring. I was completely baffled. I have chosen to be a SAHM because I want to raise my babies. I want to teach them. I want to be here for them. That doesn't change because we PCS. It doesn't change because the job market is potentially better in GA. Nothing changes my desire and my calling from God to stay home with Charlotte, or future babies. His response was that I need to make money - put money into Social Security (please tell me I'm not the only one who thinks that's beyond ridiculous!) and retirement. I'm sorry (actually, I'm not), but I'd much rather be home with my child(ren) and do what God wants me to do rather than put money into something that might not be there in the future. It's called investing in my family.

What hurts me the most is that they just beat me down every chance they get. Everything is my fault. I moved away. I chose to stay away. I choose to stay home with my child(ren). I fell in love with my husband's family. {I guess they want me to hate them?} I like to spend time with my husband's family. So naturally, I don't love my family anymore. I don't understand how they can twist everything into being something I did wrong. How do they not realize that by saying all of these things they're hurting me? I guess I shouldn't be so surprised... Things have been like this for a very long time now. It's hard because they're my parents. They should be able to love and support me even when they don't understand the decisions Joe and I have made for our family. But they don't. Or they won't. At this point, I'm honestly not sure which. It makes me glad that I have the support of Joe's parents and family, but also sad...because that's how it should be. 

Source: via Sarah on Pinterest

If you made it to the end of this post, serious kudos. I wish had something fantastic to giveaway. =P I'm just very upset...and this is my place. My home. My little space where I can come and talk about what really matters to me. And this? This is where my heart is today. Hope you don't mind me sharing all my family drama. 

I'd really, really appreciate your prayers. God's working so much in my heart and life right now. I really think this could be just another one of the enemy's ploys to get me to stray from God and the good things He's doing. Prayers appreciated. Advice welcome. Hugs needed.


31 Days of Breastfeeding: Real Life

Hey, y'all! Just popping in to share a little something! 

One of my friends sent me a youtube video that's breast-feeding related and totally funny. It's actually a commercial, so if you have cable (unlike me) you've probably seen it already. Either way, it's definitely worth seeing! I can definitely relate...even though I'm still on baby #1. =)

Hope y'all are having a great weekend! I'm hoping to get to the beach at some point today. {Someone please enjoy fall for me! I love the beach, but I miss fall!}


31 Days of Breastfeeding: Why?

If you had asked me 5 years ago if I would even consider breastfeeding my future kiddos, the answer would've been no. A very emphatic no. I had absolutely no desire - zero, zilch, nada - to let a baby munch on my nipples. They make bottles and formula for that! 

Even when Joe and I got married and talked about kids, I still had no desire to breastfeed. And then one day...I considered the idea for more than 2 seconds. My SIL breastfed my niece. My bestie breastfed her little girl. I made friends here in Hawaii who breastfed. Hmmm.

The more I talked to my bestie - and even my SIL some - about it, the more I considered it. Everywhere I looked, moms were saying, "It's great for babies!", "Such a unique, sweet bond!"And, of course, I did some research. 

Source: notmilk.com via Sarah on Pinterest

First of all, the AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) recommends breastfeeding:

The American Academy of Pediatrics reaffirms its recommendation of exclusive breastfeeding for about 6 months, followed by continued breastfeeding as complementary foods are introduced, with continuation of breastfeeding for 1 year or longer as mutually desired by mother and infant. Medical contraindications to breastfeeding are rare.

As you can read in the article linked above, breastfeeding helps to prevent things like: bowel infections/diseases, allergies, asthma, SIDS, juvenile diabetes, respiratory infections, and ear infections. It also states that exposure to cow's milk (which formula is based on) can lead to an increase in all those things I just listed. And a study I read recently said that there is a certain ingredient (can't remember its name) that cannot be manufactured and added to formula!

The benefits for a breastfeeding mom are pretty fantastic too. Breastfeeding shortly after birth makes your baby-sized uterus shrink back down to its normal size. I was pretty surprised at how quickly, too! Every time I fed her for the first few weeks I felt little mini-contractions. 

By breastfeeding you burn a whole bunch of extra calories a day, leading to quick weight loss in some mamas. That's not always the case, but some women do experience rapid weight loss. 

What else? Oh, the holy grail: the delayed appearance of our "enemy," Aunt Flo. Some mamas go a whole year without experiencing it again. For me it only lasted 5 months. But I definitely enjoyed those 5 extra months!

It also decreases your chance of breast cancer and Type 2 diabetes. I call that a huge win!

For me, the best part about breastfeeding is the bond that the little missy and I share. It's so, so sweet and special. Unlike anything I've ever experienced.

From the article above (The Breast Way), I read that a newborn's focal distance is 8-10 inches, which is exactly the distance from your face to your breast! WOW!!! Our bodies are designed so that when we're feeding our teeny, tiny newborn babes whose vision is poor, they can still see their mama's eyes. Isn't that something?! I love it when Charlotte looks up at me mid-feeding and smiles. It's the sweetest little thing ever. 

I also read (probably from one of the two Pinterest links above) that breastfeeding satisfies a baby's need to be held. It makes me think that because I'm breastfeeding Charlotte - and holding her! - she's satisfied and can be put down to play for a while after she's been fed. Not only that, but I'm meeting two of her needs at the same time! Kill two birds with one stone? Yes, please! And, come on. Who doesn't wanna snuggle with their baby 5+ times a day?!

Another awesome thing about breastfeeding? 

{Thanks, Google images!}

No bottles, no nipples, no scooping formula. No heating, no cooling, no "is this too much?" No wrong brand. No recalls.

Breastmilk is always warm, ready to go, and requires no hassle! Lift the shirt, unsnap the bra, and you're done!

And, should I mention, breastmilk is sweet. It doesn't smell funny and it's exactly the right consistency for your baby. Colostrum for newbies. Nutrient and fat rich once the "real" milk comes in. Antibodies. Vitamins. Protein. Yet it's still sweet! How sweet? When I was leaking everywhere in the beginning, it would get on my hands while I was attempting to feed her. My hands were always sticky because of the breastmilk that leaked onto them! 

For me the decision was easy. Ever since I did my research and talked to other moms about it, I planned on breastfeeding. I feel like this is the best decision I've made for her. There is no way I would not breastfeed my baby. Even when my supply was low, I did everything I could to increase it and get it back to normal. (Beware the mini-pill!)

Now that I'm 6 months in and have never given my sweet baby any formula, I'm oh-so glad I did! She is super-de-duper healthy, growing like a weed (at her own rate), and loves to cuddle with me. I won't lie; being her sole source of food for 6 months makes me feel like a supermom! 

What made you decide to breastfeed? 


Wednesday Walkabout


Welcome to another fabulous week of Wednesday Walkabout! Thank you so much for hanging out with us every week, linking up, and reading new blogs. I don't know about y'all, but I've found some great blogs through this little linkup of ours!

A little info about the Walkabout:

This is a weekly linky party with myself and 3 other co-hosts. The idea? Just put your URL in the linky (it can be a specific post or your "homepage"- whichever you prefer), visit a few other blogs, and possibly make some new friends. Easy peasy, right?!

Oh, and you only have to link up with ONE of the co-hosts. =) 

There are just a few quick rules we've set for the linky party...

The Rules:

1. Please follow at least ONE hostess, and let us know you're a new follower and how you follow!

Sarah - G.I. Joe's Wife (That's me!)
Chantal - Scattered Seashells 
Jane - Taingamala 

2. Try to visit 3-4 blogs that interest you. Take some time and let them know where you came from.

3. Grab the button from my sidebar and spread the word! (Not required, but just cool if you do.) The more, the merrier.

Thanks for stopping by! Happy blog-hopping!

P.S. Don't forget to check out my new blog series, 31 Days of Breastfeeding. I'm loving this series...even though I'm not exactly posting every day. If you've got any breastfeeding questions, feel free to leave them in the comments! =)


31 Days of Breastfeeding: Nursing Essentials

I'm getting back on track here with my breastfeeding posts! Woo! Today I'm gonna talk about my favorite nursing accessories. Keep in mind as you read this post that these are things I've used and loved. Everyone has their own preferences and these are mine. 

First, we're gonna talk nursing pads. Before Charlotte was born I mistakenly thought I'd be good with just a few reusable (read: cloth) nursing pads. I had no clue about leaking and I thought those would be fine. Plus I could reuse them! Sounds great, right? Wrong. Oh, so wrong. Once my milk came in I was leaking all over the place. I leaked through those cloth pads in the same amount of time I leaked through any other bra or shirt. It was just another layer and it did nothing. Sigh. After a couple days, I sent Joe to the store to get me some disposables. I don't remember which ones he bought first, but these were the ones that I ended up loving for the my-milk-just-came-in-and-I'm-leaking-through-everything days and nights.

Source: amazon.com via Sarah on Pinterest

This is the only J&J product I have used. I love these. They have a little contour to help with sore nipples (wahoo!) and sticky on the back so that the pad doesn't move while you're sleeping (another serious bonus). The best part, though? They're super thick. And you need that if you're leaking.

Once I got past leaking ounces at a time, I swapped to these.

Source: amazon.com via Sarah on Pinterest

And these are my favorites. I still use them, but I don't need them in my bra all the time now. (And thank God for that!) I still leak a little when I feed her, so I buy them for that purpose. These are just very simple pads that suck the milk right up. Easy peasy!

Next up: lanolin. If you're pregnant and planning to breastfeed, you must have this! I went through about 3 tubes of lanolin before my nipples fully healed. I wish I was kidding. There are two popular brands, but I only used Lansinoh. {Side note: it irritates me to no end that some people mistakenly refer to lanolin as Lansinoh. Lansinoh is a brand name, not the name of the supplement!}

Source: amazon.com via Sarah on Pinterest

This brand obviously works, but I wished it wasn't so thick and clumpy to apply. I've heard that Medela's lanolin is thinner and easier to apply, but I never used it.

Another thing I used to get relief when my milk came in were these relief packs

Source: amazon.com via Sarah on Pinterest

They're basically gel packs that you can put in the fridge/freezer or in the microwave. It hurt a lot once my milk came in. I was surprised how much it hurt...and how big "the girls" got. =P I read somewhere (or someone told me, can't remember) to do cold packs after a feeding and warm before a feeding. The warmth helps to release the milk easily and the cool, well that's just for you. I loved these. My neighbor gifted them to me and I was incredibly thankful for them.

Along with the new-to-breastfeeding and pain, I used a nipple shield to help with the pain of my cracked nipple(s) while she fed.

I used this one by Medela. It helped keep the pressure off the painful areas, while still allowing missy to eat. She didn't like it very much, though, so I only used it during a few feedings. Sometimes a couple times a day, but never more than that. They're very simple to use and clean. They also can help with a forceful let-down reflex and inverted/flat nipples.

As I said in my last post, I also used a nursing pillow (aka Boppy).

This was a lifesaver for me. Charlotte was so tiny that I definitely needed help keeping her level with the breast while feeding her. Even though she was only 5 pounds, that's still a lot to hold up for 30-45 minutes at a time!

Another helpful thing that I use is a nursing cover. I'm planning a different post about nursing in public, but for now, this is the one I use.

Source: diapers.com via Sarah on Pinterest

It's not exactly the best one out there, but it works! I'm actually hoping to get a different one soon... Maybe one like this that has a better wire neck so I don't have to keep messing with it.

Of course, I also have nursing tank tops and shirts, but I think that's a post for a different day! If you're a breastfeeding mama-to-be I hope this has helped you! 

If you're already a breastfeeding mama, what are your nursing essentials? Did I miss anything?


31 Days of Breastfeeding: Inspiration

I just wanted to pop in today and share something for a little inspiration.

I found this photo on Birth Without Fear's FB page and fell in love.

This is a mom in Ethiopia breastfeeding twins. 

Is this not the most gorgeous photo ever?! 

And how sweet are those little ones?! 

Like I said, I'm in love with this photo.

Happy Weekend! =)


31 Days of Breastfeeding: Positions

I know. I've totally been slacking on my breastfeeding posts. For some reason, the creative juices just haven't been flowing lately! Also, my little miss has been super-de-duper clingy for the past week. It's hard to type up a blog post with a little one in your lap pressing keys and the trackpad. (No really, I tried it.) 

Anyways! Today I've decided that we're gonna talk feeding positions. Are you ready!?

When Charlotte was born, the position we used most was the cross-cradle. 

It was the easiest for me to figure out and it kept her in the correct spot. She was an itsy bitsy baby, but a wiggly one. With this position, you put your hand on their neck/head and bring the baby to your breast. Tummy to tummy. Most, but not all, find that using a Boppy with this position helps. Especially with a new baby. I used my Boppy all the time until Charlotte was around 3-4 months old. It was a life saver. Not to mention it kept my arms from cramping during those 30-45 minute nursing sessions!

Another position that's good for those new, squishy babies is the football hold. Called such because you hold them pretty much like a football player headed for the end zone. =)

Your hand is under their head, while their body is to your side. According to my bestie (and probably several LCs), this position is great for ladies with inverted or flat nipples. This position helps them latch easier. I even used this one with Charlotte when we were having trouble with her latch. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't. I don't have inverted/flat nipples, though. Charlotte is just picky and chose to like it whenever she wanted to. =P I also used this hold when my nipples were badly cracked. Sometimes trying a new position helps...it puts the pressure in a slightly different spot. Seriously, you never know what's going to work!

In my opinion, the cradle hold is better for older babies. I didn't really start using this one with little missy until she was around 3-4 months old. She had better head/neck control then and I just felt more comfortable with breastfeeding in general.

This one's pretty simple: just cradle the baby as if you're going to rock her/him, but low enough that s/he can latch onto your nipple. Then you're set to snuggle with your little lovie while s/he breastfeeds. Sometimes when I rock Charlotte she'll start rooting even though she's not hungry. She just knows that that position usually means feeding time. It's pretty funny! This is the position we use about 95% of the time now. Of course, her toosh rests in my lap while she's eating so I don't have to worry about holding her up or using the Boppy. That's mostly why I waited so long to use this one.

Last, but definitely not least, is the side-lying position. 

I didn't use this one until around a month or so ago. *gasp* Shocking, I know. This one is most common for mamas who've had a c-section, as they don't have to worry about touching the incision site while breast feeding. And most mamas feed their babies in bed at night in this position. Charlotte has never slept in our bed - not even in our room - so there was no real reason for me to feed her this way. 

One day I just decided to try it. She woke up around 6am, which is way earlier than usual and this mama does not do 6am. I let her stay in her crib until she got fussy (come on, who hasn't done that?!) and then I brought her in bed with me and fed her. Joe was long gone to PT and I was tired. So, I fed her. And? I loved it. It was so sweet and cuddly! I had hopes that she'd fall asleep once she was done, but she didn't. I can't be too surprised, though. We'd never done that before. I do it more often now...when I'm feeling lazy. Occasionally I'll feed her side-lying on the couch, but she does better with it in bed. I definitely love the sweet cuddles that this position allows. =)

I've also fed Charlotte in a sort of modified football hold... She has reflux, which used to be really bad. I got the idea one day to try feeding her with her sitting beside me, but facing me. Make sense? It worked for a while, but she didn't really like it. She wasn't sitting on her own then, so that could've been part of it. The sitting up helped her reflux calm down while she was eating, but I just don't think she liked it that much. So we only did it a few times. 

So, there you have it! All of the feeding positions and a mini-explanation. I liked the cross-cradle best for my squishy newborn, but I know some mamas have different experiences and opinions. I never really liked the football hold, but I'm sure that's partially because Charlotte never really cared for it either. The cradle hold is our most successful one, while the side-lying is something I do every now and then for the ease and cuddles. =)

If you're a breastfeeding mama, what's your favorite?

P.S. Got any questions? Feel free to ask! I'm all ears - er, eyes! ;-)


Wednesday Walkabout

Hello, my lovely readers! Welcome to another fabulous week of Wednesday Walkabout! Thank you so much for hanging out with us every week, linking up, and reading new blogs. I think I speak for all of the other co-hosts when I say that this has been so awesome! Loving all the participation! =)

A little info about the Walkabout:

This is a weekly linky party with myself and 3 other co-hosts. The idea? Just put your URL in the linky (it can be a specific post or your "homepage"- whichever you prefer), visit a few other blogs, and possibly make some new friends. Easy peasy, right?!

Oh, and you only have to link up with ONE of the co-hosts. =) 

There are just a few quick rules we've set for the linky party...

The Rules:

1. Please follow at least ONE hostess, and let us know you're a new follower and how you follow!

Sarah - G.I. Joe's Wife (That's me!)
Chantal - Scattered Seashells 
Jane - Taingamala 

2. Try to visit 3-4 blogs that interest you. Take some time and let them know where you came from.

3. Grab the button from my sidebar and spread the word! (Not required, but just cool if you do.) The more, the merrier.

Thanks for stopping by! Happy blog-hopping!

P.S. Don't forget to check out my new blog series, 31 Days of Breastfeeding. I'm loving this series...even though I'm not exactly posting every day. If you've got any breastfeeding questions, feel free to leave them in the comments! =)

31 Days of Breastfeeding: New Places

I believe I mentioned when I started this series that some days I might just post a photo of us. Today is one of those days. I'm taking it easy with the fam today since it's the last day of the 4 day weekend. Joe's home and we're just hanging out.

We had Charlotte's 6 month checkup this past Thursday and ended up waiting forever to see the doctor. It ended up working out okay since I was going to need to feed her soon anyway. So once she started getting a little grumpy I just whipped out the boob and started feeding her! Easy peasy. And I think I got my favorite nursing photo out of the deal too. Win-win for both of us! =)

This is why I love breastfeeding. It's so sweet!! Not to mention it's easier than messing with a bottle. 

I hope all of you are having a fantastic Columbus Day/Monday. Anybody have any questions for me?! I'm all ears! Er....eyes. ;-)

Happy breastfeeding!!

Edited to add: Aaaaand this was supposed to go up hours ago. Le sigh. 


31 Days of Breastfeeding: Nursing Central

A little bit off-topic today... But this is a suggestion I read about when I was pregnant that has really worked for me and I thought I would share. If you're a breastfeeding pro, then this info won't exactly effect you. But if you're new - or going to be - at breastfeeding, stay tuned!

I don't remember what blog I found this advice on, but it was this:

Pick a spot in the house and make it "Nursing Central."

Whoever the author was suggested that you fill a basket (or something similar) with all your breastfeeding necessities and put it near the chair/couch where you'll be feeding the baby. So, I grabbed a basket that we've had since our wedding and filled it with breastfeeding books, nursing pads, lanolin and burp cloths. I also made sure to have my Boppy nearby. I used the heck out of that thing in the beginning.

My first designated "Nursing Central" was, obviously, in the nursery. I knew I'd be feeding Charlotte a zillion times a day and it made the most sense to me to have that spot in her room. I already had a rocking chair in there, so it worked out perfectly. By the time she was a week old, that little corner in the picture above was a mess! Burp cloths here and there, nursing pads strewn about, papers to record her feeding times (I really should've purchased an app for that!), a couple bottles of lanolin, a couple extra pillows (for my back and for propping my tiny baby up during feedings). You name it, I probably had it in that basket or on the windowsill. 

Since we had family here right after she was born, it worked out just fine. Plus, it was easier for me to have a good posture while sitting there. And with as much as we had to work with Charlotte to keep her awake - usually by changing her diaper or removing clothes - it turned out to be for the best that we stayed in there. We ended up dragging another chair into her room so that my MIL or hubby could sit with me while I fed her. When you're feeding for 30-45 minutes every 2-3 hours, you need company! And someone to help. =)

When my in-laws left and Joe went back to work, I got bored fast sitting in the nursery all by myself. Not to mention that I'd have to sit her down in the bouncy or something so I could apply lanolin and swap sides. It really just wasn't working well for me. So I decided to change up our "nursing central."

That's us doing the breastfeeding thing! Taken right before her bedtime. =)

We moved to the best spot in the house - the chaise portion of our super comfy couch! Even when I used the Boppy it made things easier. I could lay her down in front of me while I applied lanolin and swapped sides. I could keep nursing pads, lanolin and burp cloths either on the couch or on the side table. Obviously I still have a nursing pad on the table and there's a burp cloth draped behind my head. And I'm smack in front of the TV so I can have some sort of entertainment while she's eating. I also keep my phone and the remote(s) handy. It's rare that someone calls while I'm feeding, but I sometimes I browse the inter webs while missy isn't paying attention. ;-)

Oh, and just for the record, when Charlotte was still getting up at night I fed her in the nursery. So at some point we had 2 "nursing central" areas. It was just easier for me to hang out in there and feed her half asleep rather than drag both of us to the living room. I don't know why I felt that way, but it worked for us. =)

I know this little tip isn't exactly life-altering, but it was helpful to me so I'm hoping it'll be helpful to someone else too! And now that we have an established nursing area, Charlotte knows that when we're sitting there it's time to eat. Ok. She usually gets that. She's getting more and more feisty these days!

If you have any suggestions about creating a nursing area or any other related tips, feel free to share! And if you're brand new to breastfeeding, feel free to ask any questions!

Happy Friday!