
Lurking Around?

Are you one of those followers? You know the kind. The ones who secretly read my blog and never say anything. The ones who might like my blog, but never drop a single word. Not even a friendly "hello."

Lurk no more today, my stalkers! ;-) Today is International Delurker Day!!

What exactly does that mean? Well, I'll tell you!

Today is the one day that all of you lovely readers can come out of the woodworks and introduce yourselves to the world!! Or maybe just to me. =) I mean, it's the least you can do really. You come, read my blog and leave without ever saying a word. It hurts. Cuts me to the core. ;-)

If you are a new lurker or an old lurker, please leave me a comment!! Doesn't have to be anything life-altering... It could be as simple as "Hi! My name is ___ and I've been reading your blog for ___." Or even just "Hello." =) I'll take anything!! If you do comment, can you just do me one itty bitty favor first? Please, please, please set your reply-to email so that I can email you when your gem of a comment comes into my inbox. Please? It would mean the world to me (and to several other bloggers...especially JG ;-)) I have all the instructions on how to do this for you here. =)

Can't wait to read all of your comments!!!

*fingers crossed*

Happy Delurker Day!


  1. I read your blog a lot but I have started being a hit or miss commenter. Yes, My Reply to Email is set!

  2. I read your blog religiously but rarely comment. Sorry, I will try to get better at commenting!

  3. I am a lurker...sorry! I love to read your blog and never miss a post, thanks to the handy dandy delivery to my email inbox! Perhaps why I don't comment more, since I am not actually reading it on the blog page...hhmm...

  4. total lurker but I love your blog! Its one of the first I read every morning or when i see it pop up in my reader.

  5. I started following your blog for your craft ideas. I'm a definite hit or miss commenter though, sorry.

    Happy Friday!

  6. I just started following a few days ago, so I've only been "lurking" for a few posts. I'm also going through deployment, so I've just been glancing around for ways to keep myself sane :)

  7. Hi i'm Ciera ! I read your blog often but rarely comment. I guess since you outted me I will do better with ineraction. =)

  8. Hi! My names Amanda and I've been following your blog a few weeks now!


  9. Im Jen, and I was introduced to your blog by Chantal. I'm a loyal reader, and try to comment as often as I can =)


  10. I am here! lol....i am a loyal follower...but not that great at commmenting on all of them!!

  11. Guilty as charged.

    I happen to love your blog, I'm just more often than not, a terrible commenter.

    My blog is located at issuedtoasoldier.blogspot.com, however, it's private. So if you want an invite, shoot me an email: ctowntrixie@gmail.com :)

  12. I read your blog ALL the time, but rarely comment...sorry! :D

  13. Is it considered lurking if I just found you, followed you and then continued to start at the beginning and read through every post?? Oh it is? Ok then hi I'm Hillary!! :0) I love your blog, we have some similarities!! I've also been praying for you and your husband! :0)

  14. I am also guilty!
    I have read occasionally for the last 3 months. I really enjoy your blog, but have never been much of a commenter. That may/may not change. (I don't want to make any promises) But I will def. try! :)

    Hope you have a great day!

  15. Hi Sarah! We have talked a few times, but I've lost touch with my fellow bloggers.. but I'm back now! :) I am an Army wife and my wonderful Hubby is currently deployed and should be home later this year. It is our second deployment, but our first one since we've been married. While he is gone, I am working on my music education degree and trying to get done so I can spend all my time with him when he returns! I hope you have a wonderful weekend and my reply email is set, so I look forward to hearing from you!

  16. Hi! I lurk here a lot. I especially loved your post yesterday. Very sweet!

  17. I'm Renee and I'm a lurker! I've tried to break the habit of just lurking and actually leave a comment from time to time.

    Love the blog!!

  18. Hi! I've been following for awhile now. I'm apparently a slacker at commenting! Forgive me, please. :)

  19. I'm not really a lurker but still wanted to say hi!!

  20. Hi Sarah!
    I guess I'm confessing to being a lurker ;) I started reading your blog a few months ago, when my fiance (wedding is next week!) decided he was going to reenlist to the Army (he was previously in before I met him). I was TERRIFIED of what this would do to my life, our soon-to-be marriage, and you know.. everything. I found complete solace in your blog- I can't tell you how much you've helped me! It was fantastic to be able to breath a deep sigh of relief. Yes, people have normal lives and happy marriages in the Army! Its possible! Sounds silly to say now.. but then, all I was hearing around me were statistics and ill-advice. "oh, the divorce rate in the service is huge" and "you'll regret this when he's gone" and even more hurtful ones about deployments and the like. So, a huge heart-felt thank you for quieting those comments. I'm rambling now, so I'm gonna get going, but anyways, Hi!

  21. I had no idea what I was doing with the last comment.. and you wanted an email! so, its in this one.

  22. I am a lurker, but I do believe I have commented some in the past, I am horrible at leaving comments though!!!

    My husband is in the Air Force so it's always nice to read a fellow Military wife's blog!

  23. I'M NEW TO THE BLOGGING COMMUNITY - HAHA! but your blog has opened my eyes to what i'm to expected to go through once my sailor and i are married. i love your blog. oh, and my name is terri. <3

  24. Hi chickadee! I've been reading a following for a while...just terrible about consistently commenting...sorry :( Just wanted to say hi :)
