

On Monday, my sweet little baby turned 10. months. old.

I say it all the time, but geez! Time seriously flies around here. For the PCS I wanted it to...but at the same time I didn't because I know it means my baby girl will get bigger faster. And that is something I can live without. ;-)

I mean, seriously. Look how big she is!!! Too big, in my opinion. {Although I'm sure her doctor would disagree with me. More on that later.}

Typical Charlotte. Ornery. Yet sweet. *sigh* What am I gonna do with this girl!?

What's the skinny on this skinny girl? Well...

She's 26.25 inches long. 13ish pounds. {Doctor isn't too happy about this. Oh, well. She eats!} She wears anywhere from 3 to 6, to 9 month clothes. She's getting harder to dress all the time. She wears some 3-6 month onesies, 3 month pants, some 6 month dresses, and 9 month sleepers. Translation? She's loooooooonnnnng and skinny. I'm okay with this, even though it makes shopping a little more difficult. But, hey, we're getting good use out of all her clothes!

Despite our current sleep struggles (or her sleep struggles, I should say), she's happy most of the time. She's completely mobile now, which is....interesting. Haha! I spend most of the day saying "No, Charlotte."Also, I refuse to baby proof my house just so I'm not telling her "no" all the time. Some things will be done [when we move] so she doesn't hurt herself, but the rest? We will be saying "no." I think we can all handle it. And really, she's doing well so far.

She eats a ton of food, despite her weight gain [or lack thereof]. She loves to eat! I don't know where she gets that... ;-) She's pretty good at feeding herself now, although she still gets some pureed stuff. That's mainly so I know she's getting enough food. Otherwise, I probably wouldn't bother with it at this point. She nurses 4-5 times a day, something for which I'm thankful! I'm so glad I stuck out her nursing strike back in December. Breastfeeding was literally a godsend while we were flying over the holidays. And I'm sure it will be again when we PCS! Nothing like a boob to calm a baby. ;-) LOL

What else is going on...? She talks almost non-stop, in her own little language. I hear, "mamamamama" a whole lot more than I used to! Mostly when she's done eating or ready to get up from a nap. She still says "dada," but I think she's learned the association because she doesn't say it much when Joe's not home. Sometimes in the morning {especially after the weekend, when she expects to see him}, but not much other than that. She is experimenting with lots of other sounds, too. Things like ba, ga, duh, duck, boog... All kinds of things! It's kinda crazy. I swear she says "boogie!" a lot, haha!

Oh, and big news! She got her first tooth last week! It's super hard to see unless she's smiling really big, but it's there. I, for one, was not excited about teeth coming in {for obvious reasons}. But it's here now and not going anywhere! I think the one next to it is trying to come in as well. Yaaaaay. Thankfully it's on the bottom, but still. Teeth kinda hurt. 

For now, she's pretty much a mama's girl. I'm sure it'll change at some point, but I'm okay with it. It's not always easy when you're the only one at home....but we deal with it well enough. And, really? Who turns away extra baby snuggles?! =)

That face. *dies*

See...this is the ornery I'm talking about!

Ah, my bean, you're growing up! Getting so big...and getting into everything! Even though I hate seeing you get so big, I wouldn't change a thing. I love being home with you, watching you play and grow and change. It's exciting! Mama and Daddy love you sooooo much, Little Bean! {We just wish you'd stop growing so fast! ;-)}

Muah! :*


Wednesday Walkabout - #23!

Welcome to the another week of Wednesday Walkabout! Thank you so much for hanging out with us, linking up, and reading new blogs.  =)

A little info about the Walkabout:

This is a weekly linky party with myself and 3 other co-hosts. The idea? Just put your URL in the linky (it can be a specific post or your "homepage"- whichever you prefer), visit a few other blogs, and possibly make some new friends. Easy peasy, right?!

Oh, and you only have to link up with ONE of the co-hosts. =) 

There are just a few quick rules we've set for the linky party...

1. Please follow at least ONE hostess, and let us know you're a new follower and how you follow!

Sarah - G.I. Joe's Wife (That's me!)
Chantal - Scattered Seashells 
Jane - Taingamala 
Jamie - Handling With Grace

This week's Mystery Host is.... Mrs. K from Mrs. K and Captain J!  Go check her out! {She's pretty awesome...if you haven't heard. ;-)}

2. Try to visit 3-4 blogs that interest you. Take some time and let them know where you came from.

3. Grab the button from my sidebar and spread the word! (Not required, but just cool if you do.) The more, the merrier.

Thanks for stopping by! Happy blog-hopping!


It's Really Happening!!!

Finally, finally, finally we are moving!!!!

After a ridiculously long time, we found out yesterday when UCB (unaccompanied baggage) will be picked up (ASAP!), when they will pack and move our HHG (household goods), and when we fly to GA!

Why did we just now find out, you ask? Well...let's just blame it on the Army. Joe's current unit continues to rely on him to do training and extra duties even though we're PCSing, and even though he's not deploying with them. It's dumb, really. These people are going to have to get used to not having him there! Saying this makes it seem like he's a much bigger deal than he might actually be, haha! The fact of the matter is, though, that a lot of people are PCSing soon and the new commander is, well....stubborn, for lack of a more accurate term. ;-) He's been working long hours and has hardly had a chance to do any  PCS-related things. And it's not like I can do them for him! Needless to say, we're ready to get outta here! And in a little over a month, that's exactly what we'll be doing!!

Things I'm looking forward to:

  • Being on the mainland - FINALLY!
  • Being in the same-ish time zone as my family & friends.
  • Shopping at Hobby Lobby!!!!!!!
  • Eating at Chick Fil A more than once a year.
  • Being able to drive. (And end up in another state.)
  • Not being surrounded by water.
  • Experiencing seasons again. (I know it's early, but I'm ready for FALL!)
  • Not flying anywhere.

Things I'm not looking forward to:

  • Flying to GA. (I can't explain how much I loathe flying.)
  • Being without our stuff for 2ish months.
  • Living out of suitcases.
  • Not being able to cook.
  • Living in a hotel.
  • Being without our car for at least a month.
  • Being surrounded by boxes.
  • Flying with a baby. Again. {Do you see the pattern here?}

All in all, I'm not a huge fan of moving. But I am most definitely a fan of where the moving process will take me! I'm not ready for the inconveniences, but I am definitely ready to get off this rock!

Are you PCSing soon? Are you excited or dreading it?


Wednesday Walkabout - #22!

*sigh* I did so well posting on time last week! We've had an interesting week, full of surprises and a super busy schedule. Hope all of you are doing well! Have fun linking up! :)

Welcome to the another week of Wednesday Walkabout! Thank you so much for hanging out with us, linking up, and reading new blogs.  =)

A little info about the Walkabout:

This is a weekly linky party with myself and 3 other co-hosts. The idea? Just put your URL in the linky (it can be a specific post or your "homepage"- whichever you prefer), visit a few other blogs, and possibly make some new friends. Easy peasy, right?!

Oh, and you only have to link up with ONE of the co-hosts. =) 

There are just a few quick rules we've set for the linky party...

1. Please follow at least ONE hostess, and let us know you're a new follower and how you follow!

Sarah - G.I. Joe's Wife (That's me!)
Chantal - Scattered Seashells 
Jane - Taingamala 
Jamie - Handling With Grace

This week's Mystery Host is.... Kristien from The Heart Shaped Sweat!  Go check her out!

2. Try to visit 3-4 blogs that interest you. Take some time and let them know where you came from.

3. Grab the button from my sidebar and spread the word! (Not required, but just cool if you do.) The more, the merrier.

Thanks for stopping by! Happy blog-hopping!


Wednesday Walkabout - #21!

Welcome to the another week of Wednesday Walkabout! Thank you so much for hanging out with us, linking up, and reading new blogs.  =)

A little info about the Walkabout:

This is a weekly linky party with myself and 3 other co-hosts. The idea? Just put your URL in the linky (it can be a specific post or your "homepage"- whichever you prefer), visit a few other blogs, and possibly make some new friends. Easy peasy, right?!

Oh, and you only have to link up with ONE of the co-hosts. =) 

There are just a few quick rules we've set for the linky party...

1. Please follow at least ONE hostess, and let us know you're a new follower and how you follow!

Sarah - G.I. Joe's Wife (That's me!)
Chantal - Scattered Seashells 
Jane - Taingamala 
Jamie - Handling With Grace

This week's Mystery Host is.... Erica from To the Sea!  Woohoo!

2. Try to visit 3-4 blogs that interest you. Take some time and let them know where you came from.

3. Grab the button from my sidebar and spread the word! (Not required, but just cool if you do.) The more, the merrier.

Thanks for stopping by! Happy blog-hopping!



I promise I'm going to share photos from Christmas at some point. It might be February by the time I get to them, but that's the way of things sometimes. ;-)


I'm tired of not blogging. I miss it. I miss y'all. This may not be the best post I've ever written, but I want to share some things. And maybe it'll help me get back into the swing of things. Here goes nothin'!

Thing #1

I am beyond ready to move. The 2 weeks we spent in NC were wonderful, to say the least. It was...sort of liberating. Haha! I know that sounds funny. 

I shopped at WalMart. I know a ton of people despise WalMart, but hear me out. The one(s) we have here are terrible. Tiniest food section known to man. Poor selections of anything. Higher prices. Always busy. Just blah. So going to a WalMart Supercenter? It was like I was on a vacation. {Ok, I guess I kinda was...} I didn't need to go somewhere else to get what I was looking for. People were friendly

I could get in the car and drive without hitting any kind of major traffic. There were hills and trees and squirrels. Highways with speed limits greater than 55. Back roads with speed limits of 55. 

Plenty of shopping options. A mall that isn't severely crowded and overpriced. 

Chick Fil A. Olive Garden. Chipotle. Need I say more?

Southern people. {Does that make me sound racist...or something? I'm really not.}

Thing #2

I am sick of being sick. Charlotte caught a cold our first day in NC and has since shared it with me...twice. Once while we were there and again when we got back to Hawaii. *sigh* And now, I've shared it with Joe. I might just die if he shares it with me. Thankfully, Charlotte is finally on the mend! No more snotty nose or cough. Hallelujah! I am feeling better...sorta. No more sore throat. Just a stuffy nose. And, today, my asthma has decided to act up. To top it off, I was supposed to go see my pulmonologist, but couldn't because....the Army sucks and Joe couldn't go with me. (Meaning I have no one to watch Charlotte. And I don't feel comfortable leaving her in the "daycare" at Tripler. Call me crazy.)

Thing #3

For the first day since we got back, it's actually normal Hawaii weather! It's been so rainy lately that I often wondered where I was. :P I've also really been wanting to take Charlotte on a walk, but you can't do that in the rain!

Thing #4

Speaking of Charlotte... The kid has been giving me a run for my money lately. Mainly with her sudden sleep problems. I get that traveling messed up her sleep schedule, but really? I've been living on the edge since we got back a little over a week ago. The first 2 nights (including the night we flew in), she woke up at 3am. Ugh. I had a feeling it would happen, though, considering 3am Hawaii time is 8am NC time. So I changed her, fed her, and put her butt back in bed. Thankfully, by the 3rd day, she had adjusted and slept through the night! 

However, her naps were awful. Terrible. The worst they've ever been. She fights sleep soooooo hard! This is all new territory for me. We were starting to have nap issues before we left, mainly because she learned she could pull up! Since she couldn't get back down, she'd freak. Understandable. Frustrating, but understandable. Sometime while we were gone, she decided that she'd rather skip naps than miss anything exciting. I assumed things would go back to normal when we were home and in our own environment. *sigh* No dice. Sometimes she barely gets 30 mins. Sometimes she'll sleep the full 2 hours. Sometimes she screams for an hour instead of sleeping. 

Translation: We're both very tired over here. She's tired from lack of sleep and I'm tired of fighting her and then wrangling her when she's all over the house. It's exhausting and I want my normal, happy, sleeping baby back!

Thing #5

The D word has been creeping up a lot lately. The unit Joe's in now is starting to prep for deployment. We're PCSing long before that happens, but it still makes me think. It's also possible that his new unit in GA will be deploying soon after we get there. Just thinking about the possibility makes me slightly anxious. And a little sad. Sure, it sucked the last time around, but next time? With a baby? With a toddler? Ugh. It will be so much harder. I'm sure some parts of it will be easier (like staying busy), but other parts will be harder. Nothing like the D word to make you stop and think, right?

So this was a random post... Oh well. :) Kudos if you made it to the end! 

What have you been up to lately?


Wednesday Walkabout - #20!

Oops. I've been a bad blogger lately. Seriously, though, I've had a hard time remembering what day it is since our Christmas vacay! Here's to remembering today {albeit late} and keeping up with things in the future! Happy Walkabout!

Welcome to the another week of Wednesday Walkabout! Thank you so much for hanging out with us, linking up, and reading new blogs.  =)

A little info about the Walkabout:

This is a weekly linky party with myself and 3 other co-hosts. The idea? Just put your URL in the linky (it can be a specific post or your "homepage"- whichever you prefer), visit a few other blogs, and possibly make some new friends. Easy peasy, right?!

Oh, and you only have to link up with ONE of the co-hosts. =) 

There are just a few quick rules we've set for the linky party...

1. Please follow at least ONE hostess, and let us know you're a new follower and how you follow!

Sarah - G.I. Joe's Wife (That's me!)
Chantal - Scattered Seashells 
Jane - Taingamala 
Jamie - Handling With Grace

This week's Mystery Host is.... Jessica from Fantastically Average!  Woohoo!

2. Try to visit 3-4 blogs that interest you. Take some time and let them know where you came from.

3. Grab the button from my sidebar and spread the word! (Not required, but just cool if you do.) The more, the merrier.

Thanks for stopping by! Happy blog-hopping!



Woah. It's been a while since I've made an appearance on the blog! Suffice it to say we had a very good, very busy time on the mainland. It was full of time with family and friends. Despite Charlotte and I having colds  most of the time there, we enjoyed ourselves immensely. I'm in the process of uploading and editing the gazillion photos I took while we were there. {It was her first Christmas, after all.} So until that gets done, I've got a little something to share with you. 

When you spend a lot of time with your spouse, hilarity often ensues. Or is that just the case in our house? Anyway, we had an abundance of time together over the holidays. Joe has been so busy lately with work that we barely get a few hours in the evening together and our weekends always seem so rushed. So I guess our sillies came out when we had a lot of time alone... See for yourself.

One night while whispering quietly in the hall so as to not wake the baby...

Me: Come with me!
Joe: *looks confused* What? Comb your feet?
Me: *dies laughing* Yes, that's what I said. I want you to comb my feet! *laughs again* No, come with me!

In the car on the way to pick up Chick Fil A, looking at houses and cars on the road...

Me: I think that could be a Pontiac SunFire.
Joe: *pauses* A potty is on fire?
Me: Seriously?! *laughs* Yes, yes. I see a potty on fire. 

I mean, really? How does he come up with these things?!

And because I can't have a blog post without a picture...

This is us being suffocated by one of my SIL's dog's stinky gas. They were on their way back from New England, so we took a picture and sent it to her. :)

Anyone else get the sillies when you spend a lot of time with your hubby?