

Well, I finally decided I should start doing bump-dates...if only so I remember all this stuff later! ;-)

How far along: 16 weeks (and 1 day)...lots more to go!

Weight gain/loss: So far I've gained about 5 pounds, which I think isn't too bad. My doctor hasn't said anything either way so I guess I'm doing okay!

Body changes: Well, my belly is definitely growing! I can no longer wear my pre-pregnancy shorts without a belly band. =)  Oh and "the girls" are growing too. They're huge. Haha, too much info?!

Gender: Don't know yet, but we'll find out on November 17th!! =D

Movement: I feel little flutters (seriously, it's almost like butterflies) every once in a while, but not a lot. Mostly it's in the afternoon or at night when I'm being still.

Sleep: Ugh. I've been having a hard time getting comfortable lately. I'm a tummy sleeper, and hello, my tummy is much bigger these days. I seriously need a body pillow. And I've been getting up a couple times at night to potty. Yaaay.

What I'm looking forward to: The ultrasound in November and being able to feel Baby more. =)

Cravings: Sour candy...namely chewy sweet tarts and sour skittles. Oh and last Friday I had a major craving for a steak... Odd.

Symptoms: The only real symptom I've had lately is cramping, which Doctor says is just round ligament pain. Yay. Thankfully the nausea went with the first trimester. =)

Best moment this week: Feeling Baby tickle my belly as I was trying to go to sleep a couple nights ago.... And hearing Baby's heartbeat (160!) today was also pretty awesome. =)

P.S. Don't forget to go enter for free Shutterfly cards here!! Only a handful of people have entered and I have 3 codes to give away! Giveaway ends the 28th!

P.S.S. If you have fall photos, please, please, please email them to me by tomorrow for the Fall Foto Contest!