
Date Night

But first, a note. =)

Don't forget to send me your fall photos for the Fall Foto Contest this week!!! Be sure to send them to me by Thursday evening (my time) so that I can post them on Friday for everyone to vote on their favorite. 

Now that that's out of the way...

Friday night, Joe and I went out on a date. We haven't really made a huge effort to do this in a while. Probably mostly because I haven't felt like doing a whole lot. Thankfully the 2nd trimester has been nice to me so far. =) Since I'm picture-happy these days, we took some before we headed out for the evening.

Had to have a preggo pic. =)
{14 weeks 3 days here} 

And us. =)
P.S. Joe says I "glow." Thoughts?

So our first stop of the evening was one of my favorite local restaurants, Cholo's. Fortunately, the place was pretty empty so we didn't have to wait for a table. And we got to sit outside and enjoy the nice breeze as the sun was setting. We enjoyed some very yummy food and chatted for a while before heading to our next location. The only sad thing about being at Cholo's was that I couldn't have a margarita. =P

After we stuffed ourselves, we got in the car and headed to the movies. We had a bunch of time to kill before the movie so we went ahead and bought our tickets and wondered around the little shopping center that the theatre is in. While we were walking around, we noticed there was a band playing in the gazebo in the middle of the shopping center. I think this was the first time I'd ever seen a band playing there, so it was really nice. As we got closer, we realized that they were playing - wait for it - Christian music. It was a really nice treat for us. =) Not that we don't listen to other music ever, but it was nice for a change. Then, we decided to walk around a little store for a while and I found some great treats that I've been wanting for a while.

Apparently I've been craving anything sour lately. About a week ago, I really wanted to get those sweet tarts from the shoppette. But they don't carry them. =( I haven't really seen them anywhere since the last time I was in OK... So when I saw these at that little store, I all but did a happy dance right there in the candy aisle. We bought 2, along with the sour Skittles...which I have since completely devoured. =)

After we bought candy for the movie, we stopped in at a little yogurt shop. Neither one of us had ever been to one before (I know. Shame, shame.) so I thought it would be fun and a nice, yummy treat. Of course I was right. ;-) We shared some cookies and cream yogurt outside while listening to more music from the little band. It was a really nice evening, even before the movie.

For our movie, we decided to see The Big Year with Steve Martin, Jack Black and Owen Wilson. I kinda wanted to see 50/50, but I figured The Big Year would be better for a date night...and hopefully a little more funny. It turns out that the movie we chose was about birding, better known as bird watching. The three main characters are all doing a "big year" in which people race to find as many different species of birds as possible in one year. I gotta say, it wasn't the best movie ever... But it was a cute film, and with guys like Steve Martin and Jack Black, it was definitely entertaining. =)

We didn't end up getting home until almost 11, which is way past our bedtime these days. =P But we had a really, really good night. We've been trying to do more of this kind of thing lately. It's good for us, and it's a good thing to do regularly since before we know it Baby will be here and we'll either need a sitter or take Baby with us.

This week is already off to a busy start... Did some labs for my doctor today, got the flu shot (yaaay), FRG meeting this evening (more yaaaay) and then Dave Ramsey class tomorrow evening. Hope yours is going well!

Don't forget to email me your fall photos by Thursday if you want to enter!!!