
Crazy Awesome

At the end of last month, I decided to become a Jamberry consultant. After a friend had given me a sheet of wraps a few months before, I was hooked. Every time I wore them someone commented on them. After having 2 people ask me about them in one weekend, I seriously began to consider signing up. I had just opened my Etsy shop, so I wasn't sure I wanted to take on something else. After talking to my bestie about it for a while, and praying about it, I finally decided to sign up. 

I spent the first few days after getting that email completely overwhelmed - excited, but overwhelmed. I started on some training, watched videos, and started a FB page. I created my launch party on FB and totally stressed out about it. LOL! But then I got my starter kit in the mail...and I got excited again. Haha!

A few times over the past week or so, I've felt like I was crazy for doing this. How would I have time? Would it work? Would I be able to sell? Would I be able to balance it with taking care of the house and the girls? SO MANY QUESTIONS.

On my birthday, Wednesday, I had my launch party on FB. I was a bit of a wreck right before it started. But once people logged on and started asking questions, OMG it was so much fun! Before I knew it half an hour had passed and I had a few friends excited about trying Jamberry nails. It was amazing! I could hardly get to bed before midnight because I was on such a high from the party. I know that sounds crazy. It felt crazy! 

Even crazier was waking up to an email the next morning informing me that I had my very first team member! Someone had signed up to become a Jamberry consultant under me! All because of what I had posted - just on social media! It's crazy, you guys. Crazy. 

I also have my first non-launch party scheduled in a week and a half. I can't even tell you guys how awesome this is for me. I'm enjoying it so much more than I ever thought I would. I've already exceeded the goals I'd set for myself, which has pushed me to set higher goals. It's so amazing! And speaking of parties, I have an opening for next week (Thursday) if you'd like to book a party. Please let me know!! I would love to do one again - they are tons of fun! 

What's even more amazing is that I know this isn't me. I've tried direct sales before, and it just didn't work. I don't know if it wasn't the right time, or if I just wasn't supposed to do it then, but it's different with this. I really feel like my Jamberry business is taking off because God wants me to do this. I know that I wouldn't have exceeded my goals if He hadn't had a hand in things! I stepped out of my comfort zone to do this, and He's doing more than I expected. This just makes it all the more exciting for me. 

And having pretty nails that don't chip is a very nice perk...don't you think?! =)

Happy Friday, friends! Make it a good one!


So You Say It's Your Birthday?

It's my birthday, too!

But really. It is actually my birthday today! I can't decide if I'm happy about turning 28, but....there it is, anyway. {Insert insecurities about being so close to turning 30.} Not much I can do about that ticking clock, so I might as well accept it, right? :)

We spent the past weekend in NC celebrating our freedom and my birthday. It went by super fast, but we had a blast! When we went up for Charlotte's birthday in March, I was still swamped by Millie's itty-bittyness and I feel like I didn't totally enjoy myself. This time I felt much more....equipped to handle all of the busyness with family around. 

I think Charlotte may have thought it was her birthday...again. LOL!

Friday evening, we had a combination birthday/Independence Day swim party, dinner, and fireworks. Truth be told, I don't mind having my birthday party on the 4th. Fireworks on my birthday? Yes, please!

So much more excited about fireworks this year! I love it!

 Uncle Jason handing out 'snap dragons'.

Charlotte's first sparkler! *proud mama*

I have been totally spoiled by all of our family this year. My mom sent money, with which I ordered some brand spanking new TOMS and a few other things that haven't come in yet. 

Joe also bought me a pair of TOMS. (I seriously want all the TOMS!) My in-laws got me a little mini-purse (toss it in the diaper bag!) and some moo-la. Sister-in-law #1 (aka Sarabeth) got me a gift card to my favorite fast food place....Chic-Fil-A! I had planned on using it on our way home but, alas, it was Sunday. *sigh* Sister-in-law #2 (aka Anna) gave me a monogrammed cosmetic bag full of my must-have Mary Kay products!!! She also made me brownies. And took Charlotte to her house for a sleepover (post about this to come). So basically, she wins. ;-)

On Saturday we just hung out, enjoyed time with family, and relaxed. It was really nice to spend the 4th/my birthday with family this year. It's a rare treat since the Army always likes to interfere with our plans!

Today, I'm not sure what we'll do. It's smack in the middle of the week, so we may just hang out at home. That's okay, though. I don't really mind all that much. I am hosting my Jamberry Nails launch party on Facebook tonight, so that's something! I'm really excited about being a Jamberry Nails consultant and starting this little business. It has great potential! If you'd like to join my party, leave a comment or send me an email with your email address/FB name so I can add you! Or you can just do some good old fashioned online shopping on my website. ;-)

Happy Birthday to me!

Hope ya'll have a great day!