
Patience, Promotion, and PCS

At the end of August, Joe was finally promoted! He waited a really long time for this promotion because of one NCO who decided to be a jerk and kept pulling Joe from each promotion board. This went on for pretty close to a year, if not longer. Finally, the jerk left and Joe was able to go to a board which he passed with flying colors! He was so excited and I was proud. It took a lot for him to get there - patience and hard work.

The day of his promotion was a little stressful for me because of Charlotte's schedule and everything. We had to wake her up from a nap she barely went down for and I had to feed her in the car before the ceremony. Fun times, indeed. Despite the stress, I wanted to be there and Joe wanted us there as well. Even though I was a little confused as to what was happening, I got to "pin" him and everything. It was a really neat, if short-lived, experience. And, between you and me, I think we got my favorite family photo out of the deal. ;-)

Next up on the Army to-do list for Joe is/was re-enlisting. He was waiting to see if he could get promoted before re-enlisting so that he could avoid having to re-class to a different MOS. Apparently the Army is super-strong in his MOS as an E4. Re-classing might have gotten us to a different duty station sooner, but I knew Joe didn't really want to. He likes his job and I like that, for the most part, it's a pretty safe job. {I say this because during his deployment he ended up getting a CAB. Hubby never left the stinkin' FOB and got a CAB. Sigh.} Anyway, with the promotion he avoided needing to re-class. 

Joe talked to the retention officer about re-enlisting for a specific duty station - one that would get us much closer to home than we are now. {I'm not sure anything really beats being on an island in the middle of the Pacific, though.} Joe listed his #1 duty station and left hoping for the best. We were also hoping to change his DEROS to get us out of here ASAP, but knew that it may not be possible. Just a couple weeks ago, we found out that Joe was able to get our his #1 choice for duty station! And we got his DEROS moved up, but only by a month. *shrug* It's something, I guess! 

Nothing is entirely official yet (meaning he doesn't have orders), but it's looking like we'll be moving here in March 2013:

Back to good 'ole Georgia and the South!!! We are beyond excited not just to be in the South again, but to be so close to home! I mean, look at that! Look how close NC is!! Just a 3.5ish hour drive to see family and friends. Woohoo!!!  

Obviously we really can't wait to be back on the mainland again. Having the knowledge that we're moving soon is a good thing and a bad thing at the same time. I'm getting antsy... I'm ready to move, ready to be on the mainland and back to "normal." I've already been looking at houses in the area online. =P I wish I were kidding! I find myself saying all the time "6 more months, 6 more months and we're outta here!" It's been a long 2.5 years (3 by the time we leave) here on a rock in the middle of the Pacific. Honestly, I don't think I'll miss it all that much. The weather and the beach, maybe. Everything else? Doubtful. Which means the next 5.5 months are probably going to drag by and force me to have patience. Sigh.

Are you getting ready to PCS? Are you excited or dreading it?


Wednesday Walkabout!

Alooooha! And welcome to the 5th week of Wednesday Walkabout! I'm loving visiting all the new blogs every week! =) {Although I will say that I was a bad, bad blogger and host who didn't visit blogs last week. Shame. It was just one of those weeks...}

What is a "walkabout," you say? Well, let me tell you!

This is a weekly linky party with myself and 3 other co-hosts. The idea? Just put your URL in the linky (it can be a specific post or your "homepage"- whichever you prefer), visit a few other blogs, and possibly make some new friends. Easy peasy, right?!

Oh, and you only have to link up with ONE of the co-hosts. =) 

Here are just a few quick rules we've set for the linky party:

The Rules:

1. Please follow at least ONE hostess, and let us know you're a new follower and how you follow!

Sarah - G.I. Joe's Wife (That's me! =))
Chantal - Scattered Seashells 
Jane - Taingamala 

2. Try to visit 3-4 blogs that interest you. Take some time and let them know where you came from.

3. Grab the button from my sidebar and spread the word! (Not required, but just cool if you do.) The more, the merrier.

Thanks for stopping by! Happy blog-hopping!


Living & Active: Update #2

The end of week 2 and beginning of week 3 doing this Living & Active Challenge. Now that I'm this far in, I have to say that it's been great! The first week was really hard, but I'm finding it much easier to keep up with exercising, eating right and keeping up with my Bible studies. Woo!

Last week, I worked out 4 times and went on a few walks with Charlotte. The exercising I've been doing is Pilates and my Postnatal Boot Camp DVD. I love doing Pilates! The Boot Camp DVD is hard. It's hard for a reason, though, so I'm keeping up with it! I know it's great for me and it's not that long anyway, so I'm keeping up with it. Some days I want to quit right in the middle of it, but I know sticking with it is the best thing for me.

I started having salads for lunch last week, which has helped a ton. I don't have one every day, but I feel like I'm eating healthier by having them more often. I load my salad up with a bunch of veggies (peppers, broccoli, onions, etc.), cut up some deli meat, add some cheese and a little bit of dressing. YUM! It fills me up way more than I thought it would too. I'm also eating oatmeal for breakfast now. This is a big deal since I'm so much of a cereal person. It killed me not to eat it every morning when I was pregnant and had GD. But I'm liking the oatmeal (which I eat with pecans on top =)) more every day! That's really the only thing that's changed. I still make a good dinner for Joe and I and I still have a some sweets after dinner...but not much!

The biggest thing that's changed (and in such a short time!) is my way of thinking. This is mainly due to the Bible studies I'm doing, specifically Setting the Captives Free. I mentioned last week that I've struggled with overeating. I've turned to food to satisfy me instead of turning to God. And when the food didn't satisfy me, I turned to more food. Then I'd feel guilty for eating so much, knowing I should take better care of myself... It's really an endless, evil cycle to get caught up in. And I didn't realize it until I started this study.

Turning to food instead of turning to God is a sin. No matter how you slice it, that's what it is. The longer I'm doing this study, the more I'm able to really see it. No diet can "cure" this or help me get rid of the sin in my life. Sure it can help me change my behavior, but it can't change my heart which is where the real issue lies. Diets and programs (Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, calorie-counting, low-carb, South Beach, etc.) fail because, while they encourage people to change, they can't lead people to God who is the ONLY ONE that can help us and really fill us.

As I read in the study, "There is a [point] when it's time to be done with sin for good. We want to make a full turn away from sinful eating habits and discipline ourselves to eat properly and purposefully." This is where I'm at right now. I fell into a sinful trap because, well, food is good! It tastes great and it satisfies my hunger pangs. But when I'm using it to satisfy my soul... It doesn't work. I'm done with it. I'm ready to put this behind me. I'm ready to eat well and be satisfied by God and what only He can offer.

The result of this is repentance. This means turning away - walking, running away - from my sin and turning to God. I've already been forgiven. All I have to do is claim that forgiveness and live in the freedom it offers me. It's only by God's grace that I can overcome this and live a life that isn't focused on food - what will I eat next? I don't just want to change my behavior for the time being so that I can lose weight. I want a lifestyle - a heart - change. Only God can do that. And He is doing that in my life.

I can already see a huge difference in my life. I'm not planted on the couch, thinking about what I'm going to make for dinner (although I do have to plan for that) or what I'm going to eat for dessert or for a snack. I feel empowered to make good, healthy choices. I feel better after working out than I would if I didn't. {Most days, anyway.} But here's the thing: I'm not doing this. God is. He's working in my life and changing me from the INSIDE out. I can't do this on my own. I'm nothing without Him. I can only do it because He's given me the strength and the grace to do so.

And praise God for the change!!! I'm loving it and I love that I have Anna and Melissa to keep me accountable and to pray for me about anything. I'm also loving that I lost 3 pounds last week! Just one more thing that's changing. =)


Flashback Friday

Last week, I was going through one of the desk drawers trying to clean some things out. But you know how when you clean and find things you want to look at/play with them immediately? Yeah, that’s kind of what happened…

I found a CD full of our honeymoon photos. I thought I’d lost these photos forever when my external hard drive crashed a couple years ago. {I’m still upset about the photos I DID lose…} So when I found this, I was over-the-moon excited!!! 

Of course, I immediately brought the CD over to my laptop and started importing them. I wasn’t quite the picture fanatic I am now, so unfortunately there aren’t a whole lot of photos of us. I took more of the things we saw than of the crazy newlyweds we were. Haha! =)

So today, you get to take a look at our honeymoon! Aren’t you thrilled?! For our honeymoon, we drove from AR (where we got married) to Sunset Beach, NC where we stayed for about 5 days. 

Our first stop was in TN to visit The Hermitage where - in case you didn’t know - Andrew Jackson lived. 

After seeing how absolutely gorgeous the house and surrounding land is, I can absolutely see why he loved it so much. 

Off to the side of the house is Rachel’s garden. Both Andrew and Rachel Jackson are buried there (under the dome), as are several of their slaves/servants. I can’t remember if their son is buried there too, but I feel certain he probably is.

Sadly, they don’t allow pictures inside of the house. Otherwise I’d have a TON!

Our next stop was in Kernersville, NC, but there are no pictures of that because we didn’t stay there long. We came in at night, visited the apartment we would be living in after our stay at the beach, went to sleep (somewhere else), got up the next morning and drove to the beach.

This is where we stayed for 5 awesome days - for free, thanks to Joe’s grandparents who own the house. {Insert Alleluia chorus here.}

The beach!!!! Ah, it was so pretty. I’d never been to an East Coast beach before (I only visited the Gulf once when I was about 10) and I fell in love immediately. We went to the beach every morning after breakfast and almost every night after dinner. It was so, so relaxing and wonderful.

Look how cute, skinny and young we are!!!! I know it was only 4 years ago, but sometimes it feels like it was 10 or more. =P Oh, and look at Joe’s hair!!! I miss it. Is that weird? I hope not. I really miss his pre-Army hair days. And the non-mustache face. Sigh.

Oh and me! Skinniness. And, seriously? Who the heck wears makeup to the beach?! A 22 year old newlywed, I suppose. Haha! Some things never change, though. Check out that sunburn!

Sigh. Again with missing his hair. Haha.

I’m pretty sure this was the last night of our stay at the beach. I don’t know if you can tell from our faces, but we really enjoyed our time there. 

My favorite night of our trip was the night we walked down to the little shop that sells the ice cream Joe likes and then walked on the pier. We saw a couple fishing from the pier and they caught a baby shark while we were watching. We stopped to chat and we both “petted” it. I’m not sure why I enjoyed that night so much except that it was simple and sweet. My favorite dates are always like that. =) 

What was your favorite date?



That's what's happening around here!

If you haven't noticed, my blog has gotten a little bit of a facelift! My old layout/look had been hanging around for far too long. It was great there for a while, but over the last few months I got sick of looking at it. Mostly because the pictures in the header were so outdated it was hardly even funny. =P I started this blog a year after we were married and right after Joe enlisted. The design and photos definitely reflected that. And since Joe is now an NCO, we've been married for 4 years and have a little one...the blog needed a change.

That said, I owe many, many thanks to Amy from ...And the Adventure Continues for doing such a great job on the new look. I absolutely love it and I think it fits my personality. =) And obviously I'm loving all things chevron lately. Haha! I have a bunch of new pretty things here on the blog, including a NEW button! Wahoo!

Feel free to grab it from my sidebar (don't just steal the pic, peeps!) and show it off on your blog! 

Another new thing I hope will be happening soon is a domain change! I'm going to attempt to purchase my own domain...if I can figure it out. I tried to do it tonight, but Blogger has made some wacky changes in the last week and I am very seriously confused. If anyone wants to walk me through that process, I would really, really appreciate it! 

That's really all I've got for now. Just wanted to pop in and let you know what's going on! 

Oh, and here's a final reminder about the Thirty-One party I'm hosting. Get your purse/wallet/organizing bag/luggage/super cute bag orders in today! Click here to go straight to my party's site and start shopping. =)

Hope y'all are having a fantabulous week!


Wednesday Walkabout: Week 4

Alooooha! And welcome to the 4th week of Wednesday Walkabout! I'm loving visiting all the new blogs every week! =)

What is a "walkabout," you say? Well, let me tell you!

This is a weekly linky party with myself and 3 other co-hosts. The idea? Just put your URL in the linky (it can be a specific post or your "homepage"- whichever you prefer), visit a few other blogs, and possibly make some new friends. Easy peasy, right?!

Oh, and you only have to link up with ONE of the co-hosts. =) 

Here are just a few quick rules we've set for the linky party:

The Rules:

1. Please follow at least ONE hostess, and let us know you're a new follower and how you follow!

Sarah - G.I. Joe's Wife (That's me! =))
Chantal - Scattered Seashells 
Jane - Taingamala 

2. Try to visit 3-4 blogs that interest you. Take some time and let them know where you came from.

3. Grab the button from my sidebar and spread the word! (Not required, but just cool if you do.) The more, the merrier.

P.S. If any of you are interested, I'm currently hosting a Thirty-One party. If you'd like to order something - or just want to check out their catalog of fabulous purses and organizing bags/totes - just click here! If you do want to order, please do so by the 20th. And if you're worried about shipping, don't! Your order will be shipped directly to you, even if you have an APO address! =)

Thanks for stopping by! Happy blog-hopping!


Living & Active Update

Last week was my first week of the Living & Active 5 week challenge. If you missed my first post on it, the goal is to work out 4 times a week and keep up with a Bible study. I thought it was going to be really hard, but it went so much better than I thought it would!


Anna, Melissa and I started a private FB group where we can keep each other accountable and pray for each other. It's really great! Every day we post things we found in our Bible study and what we've done to exercise (or not). We talk about our struggles and even other things going on in our lives. I really wish we'd done this sooner! Today, we posted some "before" pictures. I'm going to share mine here because I can use all the extra accountability I can get!

Yup... That's me. 5 months postpartum and still only around 15 pounds down. I feel certain that I gained weight after she was born because I ditched the GD diet. And, well, I really missed ice cream. That's all I'm gonna say about that. Like most women, I really miss my pre-pregnancy body! (Thankful for the baby, but not the extra weight!)

Last week I exercised 4 days! That's a big step for me considering it's been one day here and there for the last 5 months. I did a postpartum bootcamp DVD twice and then one of my favorite pilates videos twice. The bootcamp DVD is HARD! I know it'll be worth it, but some days I just wanna quit right in the middle of it. I've loved pilates for a while, so at least I can actually look forward to that workout.

I'm currently doing TWO Bible studies. This from the girl who has struggled keeping up with one for forever!!! The first one I'm doing is a #SheReadsTruth study. I love those girls, the accountability and the online community! They actually make it fun to do one...which is what I need. =) 

The second one I'm doing is called Setting the Captives Free. It's also an online study, but it's way more in depth and focused on certain sins. Mine, for example, is overeating. Overeating IS a sin because we're replacing a deeper relationship with God with food. Our bodies and souls are meant to crave Him, but we often feed it with food instead. The biggest thing I'm trying to grasp right now is that God doesn't want us to deprive ourselves of any particular foods. He wants us to have it all! He just doesn't want us to overeat or try and replace Him with it. I keep finding myself thinking "no, I can't have that. No, I can't have this." God doesn't want us to follow a diet plan... It's hard to get away from! I keep thinking in calories or carbs when I don't need to! But I do need to really listen to my body and know when I'm actually hungry and not just bored. Food isn't the problem here (or even certain foods); indulging, especially overindulging, IS the problem.

The Bible studies have been really key for me thus far. It's encouraging me and it's teaching me a whole new way of thinking. This is a really good thing. I'm tired of having to follow a certain diet's rules. I'm tired of being told (and believing) that Food X is bad for me. In reality, no food is bad for me! {Unless you have an allergy or medical condition that really keeps you from eating something, of course.}

Even though I'm not losing weight (yet), I'm still really glad I decided to take part in this 5 week challenge. I know that by the end I won't have just done a diet or kept up with a certain routine, I will have a lifestyle change and that is more important than any diet or workout regimen!


Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner!

All the entries are IN for my Thirty-One and organizer giveaway! Turns out this giveaway was a total success with over 300 entries!!! WOW! You guys must really love some organizing. ;-)

Congratulations, Laura!!!

And thanks to everyone who entered my fabulous giveaway! If you didn't win and would still like to have a piece of Thirty-One, please check out my online party here. It's open until the 20th and all orders will be shipped straight to your door. (That includes APO addresses!) And if you'd like to order a fabulous organizing wallet, go check out my bestie's Etsy shop and/or Facebook page.

Thanks again to everyone who entered! Hope you're having a fantastic week!


Wednesday Walkabout - #3!

Alooooha! And welcome to week 3 of Wednesday Walkabout!

What is a "walkabout," you say? Well, let me tell you!

This is a weekly linky party with myself and 3 other co-hosts. The idea? Just put your URL in the linky (it can be a specific post or your "homepage"- whichever you prefer), visit a few other blogs, and possibly make some new friends. Easy peasy, right?!

Oh, and you only have to link up with ONE of the co-hosts. =) 

Here are just a few quick rules we've set for the linky party:

The Rules:

1. Please follow at least ONE hostess, and let us know you're a new follower and how you follow!

Sarah - G.I. Joe's Wife (That's me! =))
Chantal - Scattered Seashells 
Jane - Taingamala 

2. Try to visit 3-4 blogs that interest you. Take some time and let them know where you came from.

3. Grab the button from my sidebar and spread the word! (Not required, but just cool if you do.) The more, the merrier.

Happy blog-hopping! ;-)


Getting Healthy: Living and Active

Don't forget to enter my giveaway!

Last week, my oh-so wonderful bestie stumbled upon a blog that's all about fitness...and God. This particular blogger has started a 5 week challenge and link up that started today. It's called Living and Active. The idea is that we get healthy physically AND spiritually. Of course, we can get healthy in one area and not the other, but isn't better to be both?! YES!

You can find a much much better description at the blog, Peak 313 Fitness, but she's got a Bible verse we're memorizing - one for every week. I think it's a good idea to do more than just memorize a verse, so I'm also doing a Bible study in the morning. She's also providing a workout regimen if you don't already have your own. 

{Link to her blog here. Her grab button isn't working.}

Today is Day 1 of the challenge, and so far so good for me! I got up with little missy this morning, did our little morning routine and then as soon as she went down for a nap I started my Bible study. I'm currently doing #SheReadsTruth's Proverbs study, so that's what I worked on. Funny thing (or maybe not so funny considering it is God we're talking about) several of the verses in the chapter we're reading in Proverbs today really hit home. What I got from it was that I can't do this losing weight thing on my own. I mean,  I can, but either it will fail or the weight will just come back. I have to do it through God and with people who are going to keep me accountable! This is where the memory verse comes in:

"Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves.
A cord of three strands is not quickly broken."
Ecclesiastes 4:12

If it's just me, I can talk myself out of exercising, eating well or spending time in the Word. With another person, it's better. But with three (or more) we can do this! My SIL, bestie and I have decided that we're all going to do this challenge. We're keeping each other accountable through Facebook. We're checking in with each other on Bible study, eating habits and workout habits. I know it's only the first day, but we've all done great! I was able to get my workout in during Charlotte's first nap of the day. I don't really like doing it that early, but it's better to get it out of the way!

Truth be told, I don't always do well working out and dieting on my own. I do ok when Joe's away (deployed or otherwise), but it's harder when he's around. Not that he's necessarily a bad influence, but I cook when he's home and that can make it hard. I can't just pop a lean cuisine in the microwave when he's home. =P

So. Day 1 is done and it went well. Hopefully the trend will continue with Day 2+! If you're going to join the challenge, I'd love to know! 

Hope your week is off to a great start!


Wednesday Walkabout!

Welcome to week 2 of Wednesday Walkabout!

What is a "walkabout," you say? Well, let me tell you!

This is a weekly linky party with myself and 3 other co-hosts. The idea? Just put your URL in the linky (it can be a specific post or your "homepage"- whichever you prefer), visit a few other blogs, and possibly make some new friends. Easy peasy, right?!

Oh, and you only have to link up with ONE of the co-hosts. =) 

Here are just a few quick rules we've set for the linky party:

The Rules:

1. Please follow at least ONE hostess, and let us know you're a new follower and how you follow!

Sarah - G.I. Joe's Wife (That's me! =))
Chantal - Scattered Seashells 
Jane - Taingamala 

2. Try to visit 3-4 blogs that interest you. Take some time and let them know where you came from.

3. Grab the button from my sidebar and spread the word! (Not required, but just cool if you do.) The more, the merrier.

Happy blog-hopping! ;-)

P.S. Don't forget to check out my Thirty-One giveaway and party! Enter for a chance to win a Thirty-One tote and organizing wallet! Giveaway ends next week.


Thirty-One Party + A Giveaway!

Hello, my lovely readers!! I have a super-special treat for you today. First, I'm hosting an online Thirty-One party and YOU are invited! {Click here to start shopping!} =) Second, I'm hosting a giveaway!!

In case you haven't heard of Thirty-One, it is a direct sales company that sells every woman's favorite thing: bags. Tote bags (including a rolling tote that would be perfect for traveling), storage bags, organizing bags and purses. Love! You can see the whole catalog here.

{photo via}

I already have 2 of their bags: the skirt purse and organizing utility tote, which I use for a diaper bag. Works wonders, by the way! Before Charlotte was born, I carried the skirt purse all the time. They have so many more products that I'd love to have, which is kind of why I'm hosting a party! ;-) 

I also have good news for all of my OCONUS milspouse readers and friends: Starting Sept. 10th, Thirty-One will begin shipping to APO addresses! When booking my party, I wanted to make sure that all of my lovely OCONUS friends could purchase something if they wanted. So please don't let being OCONUS stop you from joining in on the fun and ordering! =) 

Parties are always more fun when freebies are involved, so today I'm offering you guys the chance to win these lovelies:

A mini utility tote, found here.
Good for little people's toys, car storage, books, newspapers, etc.

And an organizing wallet from my bestie's Etsy shop!
Perfect for organizing cash or coupons.

Thanks in advance for checking out my party! (Go here to start shopping now!) 

The Thirty-One party ends September 20th. Because a giveaway that lasts 2 weeks would be a bit much for anyone, I'm ending the giveaway next week (September 11th). 

Happy shopping and giveaway-entering! =)

P.S. Isn't this a great way to start the 4 day week?!


Almost Half a Year

That's how long our baby girl has been here. It's flown right by me!! And of course, I'm late getting this post up. That's life for ya! Last Tuesday, our sweet little bean turned 5 months old!!!

Love that sweet face!!

Little Bean, I know I keep saying it, but I can't believe you're already almost half a year old! It honestly seems crazy to me that in no time you'll be walking and talking. You are so much fun to be around!! You "talk" a lot! In fact, when I told Bossie this, she said she hopes you talk Daddy's ear off! I feel certain that you are going to do just that! =) You've found your feet recently, and I see you grabbing them all the time! I've actually found your socks off in your crib after a nap...and one of them always seems to have been in your mouth. Silly girl. You're still rolling over, but not as much. I guess you don't think it's cool anymore? You're teething like crazy lately, and I hope you feel better - or a tooth pops through - soon! Your favorite toy that's not actually a toy is Mommy's iPhone. I can't even send a text while holding you without you grabbing it! You like your exersaucer and I think you're starting to get the hang of the jumper we bought you. You're getting so big and doing so many fun - and funny - things! We love you so, so much, little bean. 

Smiles are always for Daddy. =)

At her last doctor's appointment, little missy weighed in at 10lbs 8oz. Do you understand her nickname now?! She's so little! I feel certain she's gained at least a few more ounces since then, if not a pound. I've been taking fenugreek to help with my milk supply, so I'm sure she's getting more than she was before. She's in size 2 diapers now, although they're a bit loose and we have to overlap the tabs so it'll stay on her teeny little waist! She's wearing 3 month onesies, 3-6 month sleepers, and newborn or 0-3 month pants. =P In fact, the outfit she's wearing in these photos is a newborn outfit! So basically, we have all kinds of sizes in her wardrobe. I've put some things away just because I was tired of seeing them. LOL

She is still sleeping through the night like a champ! She's always been a pretty good sleeper, especially at night. I'd like to attribute this to the fact that she was born at 5am, but who really knows if that makes a difference? Also, I like to believe that BabyWise has a lot to do with it. I'm a believer - and huge fan - of BabyWise. Clearly. Getting sleep at night is pretty much the best thing ever - for both of us. 

I love, love, love this photo. Aaaah, so cute!

Daytime sleep has been rough lately. She's going through a transition phase and teething at the same time. She's been fighting 1-2 naps a day and I can't figure out what the heck to do about it. So we're just powering through, waiting for this phase to end! She's still eating about 5 times a day, sometimes more, sometimes less depending on the day. I think she's about ready for a 4 hour schedule, but it's hard to tell with all the nap-fighting and teething going on. Sigh. We'll get there! I also feel like I should mention that I'm still exclusively breastfeeding and loving it! 

As I said before, grabbing feet is her new favorite activity. =P She's also trying very hard to sit up. She barely lets me hold her like a baby (think cradle position) anymore! She always leans forward. Crazy girl. She's sat up completely unassisted for about 1 minute a couple times in the past week. She really wants it! She was rolling over from tummy to back a lot there for a while, but for some reason she doesn't do it much anymore. She's rolled from back to tummy once, but I think that was kind of a fluke. She was in her crib, and she moves around a lot while she's in there. I really don't think she was trying to. Oh, she also really likes to watch Jasper now. Anytime he's up and around, her eyes are on him. So funny!

She's getting quite the little personality, too. She knows exactly what she wants and doesn't want. Put her down to play and she'll fuss because she doesn't want that toy. (Or to be put down. Either one.) Put her on the changing pad before nap time and more often than not, she'll fuss because she knows what's coming. My favorite little thing she's started doing recently happens while she nurses. She'll eat for a while and then she'll pull back, look up at me with the sweetest little face and just smile. And then when I tell her she needs to eat, she'll smile bigger, turn her head and go back for more. Oh my gosh... I just love it! Of course there are times when it gets frustrating, but it's just so stinkin' sweet! I wish I could take an appropriate photo when she does that. Of course, she'd probably just reach for my phone and ruin the photo though. Haha!

She can be quite the little handful sometimes but, oh, I just love that little girl! And that face! I mean, how could you not?! She's so gonna have Daddy wrapped around her finger when she's a bit older... Haha!

Be sure to check back in tomorrow - I have something pretty awesome in store for my readers! {*cough* giveaway *cough*} ;-)