
CAB Ceremony

{I know it's been a while since my last post, but I finally have something worth talking about!}

Yesterday my husband came home for lunch and informed me that his CAB {Combat Action Badge, for those of you who don't speak Army.} ceremony would be in just a couple hours. At first I thought, Oh great...another ceremony. But it seemed important to him that I attend, so I graciously got off my toosh and got ready. Of course, when we arrived at his company we were told that they'd pushed back the ceremony...3 hours. Just like the Army, right? Well, he was told to go get a hair cut so I went with him to the PX and we ended up going to get groceries....until he got a text saying he was needed. I continued shopping while he walked all over the post. =P The man just spent a year in Iraq hoofing it around the FOB. I wasn't too concerned. Haha. Anyway, after going back and forth to post it was finally time for the ceremony.

It took them forever to get in formation and line up everyone who was getting a CAB...and then we waited for the "important" people {aka officers =P} to show up. They invited the whole two spouses who showed up {I wish I was kidding} to come stand in front of the formation to take pictures. It was then that it kind of hit me that this ceremony really was important.

I stood there talking quietly with another spouse about what had happened that earned this men and women the CAB they were receiving, and it still didn't really sink in...

I was just there supporting my husband, proud of what he'd done to deserve this award.

It wasn't until the LTC started speaking about the attack that earned all but one of these Soldiers the CAB that I started to remember. He's only been home two months, but apparently the fear and the worry I felt during the deployment has completely melted away.

On our way home from the homecoming ceremony, Joe asked me if I'd heard anything about the company possibly getting CABs. I told him I hadn't and suddenly wondered why he asked. I told him that I hadn't received any of those "Your Soldier is OK" emails in a while, so I had no clue what he was talking about. Then he told me. The day they were leaving, his FOB took heavy mortar fire. In fact, the LTC said yesterday that it was the heaviest that FOB had seen since the beginning. The heaviest. And my husband was in it. He told me that had he not left where he was when the incoming alarm went off, he might not be here. I think at that point he realized he was scaring me and left the rest for a couple days later.

Apparently, he and about 20 other Soldiers crammed in a bunker meant for about 10 people while about 19 mortars hit all around them. He showed me pictures of the "tents" {I use quotations because they're less like tents and more like large garages full of cots} that were hit by mortars. These were the tents that he and  most of his company were sleeping in. Window AC units were torn apart and melted by shrapnel. There was a ton of shrapnel in the door to his tent. Buildings torn and ripped... I cried when he showed me these things... I was so incredibly thankful nothing had happened to him...and terrified at the thought that it could have been him. All of my "what ifs" could have come true on the day he was leaving.

Joe would like me to tell you that he knows it's not centered. =P

Now that I fully remember what happened and all of the fear and worry I felt throughout the deployment, I'm glad I watched my husband receive his well-earned CAB. He may not be an Infantry soldier, or someone who fights on the so-called "front lines," but I'd say 19 mortars earned him the right to wear it. I'm just thankful - so thankful - that he made it home to me.


Fun Delivery

I'd say "fun mail" but what got dropped off at our house yesterday wasn't mail. It was very nice though. =)

In case you can't tell, this is our new couch!!! I waited half the day for them to deliver it too. Anyway... At first I thought it wasn't the right one because of the covering they used for it. Fortunately the delivery guys were very nice and one of them made sure to show me that it was, in fact, the right color. Then I had to wait the rest of the day for my husband to get home and for one of his friends from work to come over and help with it.

As you can see, we also still have our other couch. We put it up on Craigslist after we ordered the new one and have barely gotten a bite. One military couple said they were interested, but they thought we lived on the other end of the island. I guess once they found out where we lived they were no longer interested because they never got back with us about coming to see it. Grrr. Then another guy {who had the worst grammar ever} totally low-balled our price. He was such a jerk that we didn't even bother emailing him back. So, here we are...with two couches and really only enough room for one. If you know anyone on the island who wants a couch, have them email me!!!! Anyway, I'm sure you'd much rather see the couch than read my rambles. =P

This was last night before we went to bed. Clearly this couch is Jasper - approved. ;-)

Ta-da! The new couch!! We had no idea when we ordered it that it would come with pillows...so I went out and bought more from Ross. So now we have a ton of pillows. =P Oh well. It does make it look more comfy, though, doesn't it? I think so anyway. We were going to push the couch up against the wall under the window, but it would make everything off center. Especially the pictures I hung so carefully on the wall. And it'd probably make watching TV a little awkward too. So we're probably going to put a small table or something behind the couch so it doesn't look so weird.  A new couch after 3 years of the other is definitely a little different, but I'm liking it. I really like the way it looks in here. Well, without the mess on the other side of the room anyway...

The couch in the space where the DVD rack usually hangs out...

And the DVD rack is in between the entertainment center and desk. Eeeeek! I absolutely hate this, but it's really our only option until we sell the couch...which I'm praying will be soon. The perfectionist in me can't handle this situation for very long.

Maybe I'll try taking naps on my new, comfy couch to block out the mess on the other side of the room. =P

So what do y'all think of our new couch?!


Kickin' the Block

Writer's block, that is. {Or blogger's block, whichever you prefer.} Clearly, I've had a touch of this lately. Joe has technically gone back to work, but since we're still in the block leave period there's not much "work" to be done. He goes in for PT in the morning and comes home. So basically, he's getting leave without having to take more leave. A plus for all involved, wouldn't you say? I would. =) I love that we're getting more time together.

We honestly haven't done all that much since we got back on the island. We did get season passes to Wet N Wild, and we've been twice since then. I think we've been to the beach once... =P And last week (or the week before...my days/weeks run together now) we went down to Honolulu so Joe could get the process started on owning pistols here. The process is ridiculous even though he technically purchased the pistols from the military. The were shipped here {to what I think might be the only gun store on the island. I could be wrong though.} and then he had to have a memo to take to the gun store - and later the police department - stating that he has had gun training and therefore doesn't need to take a safety class. So we went to the gun store to pay the outrageous shipping fees and to see the guns. Then, we had to go to the police department so he can get a permit. Then you wait like a week before your background check and permit goes through. I think we have to to back to the police department to get the permit, then to the gun store and then to the police department again to register the guns. Ugh. Do you know what the process is in Oklahoma? Take a safety course. Buy a gun. Maybe there's another step in there. But it's far less complicated. Freakin' blue state. ;-)

So yeah, other than that we've basically been hermits...which is usually okay with me. It's even better now that I'm not a hermit by myself. Haha! And we've started watching LOST again which is always fun. =)

Today, though, we did do something fun. Well, fun for me anyway. I'm not sure Joe enjoyed it very much. =P Do you remember the couch I told you a few weeks ago that we might get? We were on a waiting list for it and weren't sure if we were going to stick with it or not. Well...yesterday they finally called and told us they had one for us! Unfortunately we had to drive all the way to the other side of the island to pay for it, but... Next week, this lovely piece of furniture will be in our living room! =D

I'm seriously excited about it! I think Joe is happier that we got the couch for about $200 less than it was originally priced than the fact that we're getting a new couch. It was really just a big bonus for me. =) And on our way home, we stopped to get some extra pillows for our extra big couch. I can't wait to snuggle up on it! So much room... And it'll be even better when we have friends over - more seating! =D And don't worry, you'll definitely see pictures once it arrives.

So, that's what we've been up to. Sadly there's not much to report. Maybe things will get more interesting around here when Joe goes back to work. Or at least I'll get back into a routine of blogging again. One can only hope!



I don't know about all of you, but I'm slightly addicted to this thing called Pinterest. Usually I just browse around for pretty things. Photos, jewelry, dresses, pretty rooms I'll never be able to have.... You know, things like this:

Or this...

Source: shopbop.com via Sarah on Pinterest

Or this.

I know a lot of people also pin a lot of food. I gotta say, it all looks good....but who has the time to try all those recipes?! Ok, I have the time...but I seriously hate buying 10 items I never use just to try one stinkin' recipe. Who's with me?! Anyway. =P The other day, I was browsing around and I found this.

A recipe - or directions, rather - for taco bowls!! You know, the things your taco salad at Mexican restaurants come in. Yeah, those. They're so yummy and huge.... =) Well, I found this and decided I'd try it out. They didn't turn out as perfect as I'd hoped, but it definitely did the trick.

I used regular sized tortillas and they turned out a little bit awkward shaped. There wasn't enough room in what should have been the bottom for all the taco filling. And the bottom also didn't get as crispy as the rest. I think next time I'll try lowering the temperature and leaving them in the oven just a little bit longer. I may even use smaller tortillas. Imperfect as they were, it was still a pretty tasty dinner. Just gotta tweak the recipe/directions a bit. =)

Now that I've made myself hungry, I think I'll go have a snack. Hope y'all are having a great week!