
A Little Bit of This, A Little Bit of That

Whew, what a day!! I have cleaned my house from top to bottom with the exception of the bathroom...! Of course, I could not have done it without the help of my friend, Mrs. C! I had lunch with her and her hubby yesterday after church and she offered to come help me get the house ready for Joe's return. =) She was a big help even though she couldn't stay very long. It was much-ly appreciated. ;-) My house wasn't in bad shape before, but it definitely needed a pick-me-up. So, if I can work up the energy [and "want to"] it will all be done tomorrow. I am quite proud of all the progress that was made today. The #1 thing I'm proud of: There is not a single. piece. of clothing (or towels) that is dirty! (With the exception of the clothes I'm wearing now.) This NEVER happens. I'm proud of myself! =D


I finally made myself an appointment to get my hair cut! It's happening bright and early tomorrow morning! I'm excited because I'm going to the same lady that Chantal uses, and I know I don't have to worry about my hair turning out all funky. You see, when I got my hair cut last time I'm pretty sure she cut the back wrong. The left side (in the back) is about a half inch (maybe more) longer than the right side. Ok, I know I part my hair to the right but seriously?! That is no reason to mess it up. Anyway, it's getting fixed tomorrow. I don't want the same cut as last time either. The A-line cut is cute, but super hard to keep up or grow out.

This is going to sound really, really sad but... If you watch Grey's Anatomy religiously like I do, you know that Callie recently chopped off all her hair. And oh. my. word. I love her hair!!! For those of you who don't  watch Grey's Anatomy (shame, shame) here are a few pictures. None of them are great, but you get the idea.

I think it's super cute!! I just hope I can handle fixing it. =)

Think I can pull it off?

I mean, I don't have my own hairstylist or anything...


While I was searching for pictures to show my new hair lady, I came across something interesting... This is how I did my photo-searching:

And as I scrolled down some, I was met with quite the interesting photo...

Ummmm... Google, I said "2010!!!" Not the '90s!!!! 

Honestly, I have no idea when this photo was taken but I'm pretty sure Jennifer Aniston quit rockin' that hair style a looooooooooooooooooooooong time ago. Seriously. Google needs to start listening to me.


Next up on our list of random things to cover is an English/Grammar lesson. Are you ready?!

I have been running across some very disturbing mistakes lately. Some of them could just be typos or a product of a late night/early morning. However, they have become so common lately! I am beginning to lose faith in people! {Personally, I blame the internet and texting language - and sheer laziness - but that's a post for another day.} So, today I am here to correct these people. I hope I can help someone see the severe errors.


Your - a possessive pronoun. Examples: your husband; your house; your dog; your car.

You're - short hand for "you are." Examples: you're awesome; I'm sorry you're sick.


Their - also a possessive pronoun.  Examples: their house; their cat; their TV.

They're - short hand for "they are." Examples: I can't believe they're not going to be here. They're engaged. (I saw this one written as "There Engaged" on a BLOG POST. *insert screams here*)

There - adverb; usually refers to a place. Examples: Over there; It's right there; There it is; She stopped there.


To - a preposition. Used for expressing motion or directions. Examples: We're going to the mall. We are going to see so-and-so. 

Too - a synonym for the word "also," meaning "in addition." Examples: My husband is deployed too. I'm going too. 

Two - the number "2." Seriously. This one is self-explanatory.

I hope you've all learned something today. And, yes, this sort of thing DOES irritate me. If I read your blog and you make these kinds of mistakes consistently I will be forced to un-follow you. I'm sorry, but it's true. I just can't handle these types of things. Oh, if you use run-on sentences and/or no punctuation -- same thing. Learn how to properly write, people. That's all I'm asking.


I totally cried while watching the CMA Country Christmas special on ABC tonight. I don't know if any of you watched it, but it was pretty good. One of the many reasons that I love country music is because they are such strong supporters of the troops. Right before they sang "I'll Be Home For Christmas," they showed clips of families saying "hi," "Merry Christmas," and "I miss you." By the end of it all I was bawling. I miss my hubby even though he'll be home soon. I just can't stop the thoughts that come when I think about Christmas without him... It totally sucks. 


Aaaand on that happy note... ;-)

Seriously, though, I had a really good day. I'm so glad that I got so much accomplished in one day. And I can't wait to get my hair cut in the morning!! Now if I could only get a phone call from that man of mine.... =)

Hope y'all had a good Monday!


Lookin' Like Christmas

Because of all the recent hurry-up-and-wait stuff happening lately, I haven't had a chance to properly blog about my Christmas decorations! A true tragedy. ;-)

I had quite the lazy morning on Friday. I got up, hoping to talk to Joe and within about 20 minutes I realized it wasn't going to happen. I was still so sleepy though. I hadn't turned the TV on yet or even had breakfast and it was a cool, rainy morning. So, I cuddled up on the couch with a blanket and Jasper and slept for another hour and some-odd minutes. Fantastic. Then, I grabbed my laptop and read blogs for a while. By the time I looked at the clock, it was after 1000... A rare morning!!

The day after Thanksgiving is a traditional decorating day. =) So after breakfast, I pulled out all my decorations! I don't have a ton of decorations but, hey, it's a start.

And then I got to work!

This is what my house looked like by the end of the day!

I also did a little decorating in the bathroom...

It's not very Christmasy though.

Beach Print! 

I won that in a giveaway like this summer and I've been trying to find the perfect place for it ever since. It finally hit me the other day that this print belonged in the bathroom! Totally matches.

And then, of course, the Scentsy plug in I won at the last spouses' club luncheon. =)

And this was my Christmas decorating attire. 

A rare experience indeed.

I mean, how often do you decorate for Christmas with all the windows and doors open while wearing a sundress?!

It may not feel like Christmas, but my house is definitely looking like it!


FFC Final Week Winner!

Aaaaah! I can't believe it's almost over!!

I gotta get crackin' on this super awesome Hawaiian prize!

In the meantime, I have a winner to announce and photos to share!

Previous weeks' entries:

Look at all of those GREAT photos!!

Eeep! =D

Thanks to ALL of you for participating!!

And I'm sorry for those of you who wanted to enter but couldn't.

Maybe we'll try this again next year!

Until then, we have this week's winner to announce.

Congratulations to...

Lovely photo. =)

Thanks to the voters!!

Now, next week will be the finale of this little 'ole contest.

I will post the winning photo from each week - even if that person won 2 weeks.

Then, YOU will vote (if you so choose) for your favorite of the winning photos.

And then, we will have the official winner of the whole she-bang!

Isn't that exciting?!

I think so. =)

Between now and then, I have lots to do.

Including shopping for a prize.

Yes, I'm a procrastinator and haven't done that yet. Sue me. =P

Happy Weekend!!


Calling All Bloggers!

As most of you lovely milspouses know, the military can change its tune as often as we change clothes. I am currently experiencing this!!

Last night, I found out that the Army processed Joe's R&R paperwork... But, they used the wrong dates. So, my hubby is coming home way earlier than we expected! I was planning on sending out a request for guest bloggers anyway, but I had no idea I'd need them so soon!

I would love, love, love to have some of you ladies write up a post for me so that my blog isn't all sad, lonely and neglected while my husband is home. =) As you know, R&R is 2 weeks (roughly 14 days) and I'd like to have about 10 days' worth of posts while I'm gone. {You guys can live without me on the weekends, right!?} As of right now, 5 ladies have already offered to step in for me while I'm gone.

So, if you would like to write up a post for me I'll need you to comment on this post, just so I'll know. Then, you can write a post using these guidelines:

1. What was your best/worst Christmas?
2. What are your family's Christmas traditions? Do you know how they started?
3. Tell the story of your worst Christmas card photo ever. Those are usually hilarious. =)
4. Any other random Christmas post you can come up with. =P

Once you write up your post, send it to me in an email (the address is under my bio) along with your name and link to your blog. That's it!! I'll need to posts ASAP, so if you want to do it please let me know!! I will also email you back with the date yours will be posted so that you can link to it on your blog that day.

Hope you're having a fantabulous weekend!

Fall Foto Contest: Final Week!

I hate that not many people participated this week. 

I suppose I'm partially to blame, though.

It's been an up-and-down week, and I forgot to send out the usual friendly reminders.

But hey, three new (or mostly new) people entered!

That's a good thing. =)

And here are the entries:

Photo by Adriane

Photo by AF Wifey 
(at least I think so, anyway...)

Photo by Cece

No one sent me links to their blog, so I'm sorry you can't check them out.

{And I hope the names are right! =P}

Alright readers, it's your turn to participate!

Check out the poll on the right sidebar and vote for your favorite.

This is the last week, so make it count!

I'll be back with the winner tomorrow and then next Friday with the winner of the whole she-bang!

Happy Weekend!


Give Thanks

When I first thought of titling this post, a song popped into my head. It's a pretty popular one, if a little bit outdated. "Forever" by Chris Tomlin.

"Give thanks to the Lord, our God and King, His love endures forever."

That's the way today should be spent. Thanking God for His great love, His great sacrifice and for His many blessings. What better way to spend Thanksgiving than to praise God?! I don't have family around me today, and I have very few distractions. I'm not cooking or cleaning. I'm sitting on my couch halfway watching the Macy's parade. I think it's only fitting that I thank God for the things I have instead of focusing on things I don't have around me today - my husband, my family, my bestest friends, etc. 

Instead, I'll be thankful for everything He's given me:

A wonderful, loving, sacrificial husband.

Taken at their Thanksgiving concert. Joe is behind Santa, just to the right.

A family that cares about me. 

In-laws that have become family.

My Savior, who paid for my sin (and everyone else's too!) on the cross.

My bestie. She keeps me sane, speaks Truth into my life and calls me out on my crap even if I don't want to hear it.

Taken when she visited me this summer. =)

My new friends here on the island. 

Jasper. =) 

My super cute niece. 

My silly and strange nephew.

He's the one on the far right with the Justin Bieber hair. *sigh*

The opportunity to live in Hawaii where it's warm... Even though I don't always like being here.

A roof over my head.

Food in my fridge and pantry.

A car to drive.

That pesky insurance that the Army pays for.

That little thing called a paycheck the Army deposits into our account twice a month.

My freedom, which is paid for by men and women who have fought proudly for this country.

Little things like:


My computer

My iPhone


Phone calls from my husband

The internet connection that we pay way too much for.

My bloggie friends.

The Donut of Misery that is looking more green these days.

And many, many other things... Just too much to list.

Happy Thanksgiving to all of my lovely readers and friends!

P.S. Please send me your fall photos! This is the last week!!
Because of the holiday, I'll wait to post the pictures and voting poll until Friday night (my time).


Holiday Season or Depression Season?

Today's been a pretty rough day. I was doing alright this morning and then all of a sudden, it hit me like a brick.

It's almost Thanksgiving and I'm alone.

I have never, ever, ever spent a Thanksgiving away from family - whether it was my family or Joe's. For 20something years, I spent Thanksgiving with my family. Then I got married and spent the last 2 Thanksgivings with Joe's family in NC. I've conquered holidays without my family. I have not conquered holidays without any family. 

Maybe it's just my crazy girl emotions or maybe I'm just slightly depressed. I don't know. This just sucks, though. I'm going to have lunch/dinner with some friends whose husbands are also gone and I know that will be beneficial. I know I'll be fine. I'd much rather be in OK or NC, though. I've been completely ok with being alone up until now. I don't know why it just hit me today. 

I miss my husband. I know R&R is coming up soon, and that's my saving grace right now. We've spent holidays apart before. Our first Thanksgiving together was after we'd been together for a year and our first Christmas together was after we got married. His family always traveled for both holidays, so we didn't get to spend them together. I can't tell you how ecstatic I was when he stayed with me for Thanksgiving while we were dating. {Although I'm fairly certain the only reason he stayed was because that was his only chance to get alone time with my dad and ask him for my hand. ;-)} So, this isn't the first time we've been separated for the holidays. Just the first time since we've been married. Maybe that's it? 

Only one thing really helped my mood today: the museum. I got put on a new project today, which was a complete blessing. I was so tired of staring at a computer screen. Today, I got to work on cataloging a dental chest from WWII! I did some research online at the museum, because I have zero knowledge of dental tools and all of them need to be listed. What I found out was that in WWII doctors and dentists were each (?) issued chests. In these chests were all the essential tools they'd need in the field. They're pretty big too. In the dental chest (like the one I'm working on) there are about a bazillion items. All kinds of instruments... Any you could probably think of, and a dental chair. Now, this is the 1940s we're talking about here. They didn't make things light back then. In the chest I'm dealing with, there really isn't that much dental material. However, the chair and "foot engine" (don't ask me what that's for) are. As are several other yet-to-be-identified items. I weighed the chest while it was empty... It weighs 93 lbs! 93! And that's not including all the stuff that's in it! Or even all of the things that should have been in it! My research said that each chest could weigh from 103-160 lbs. Can you imagine carrying that?! Amazing. 

It hit me during all the cataloging and researching that I was touching - actually touching - instruments and chests that had been used IN WWII!!! Talk about a historian's dream! I honestly wish this chest had been full of what it originally held. Although it would take forever to catalog, I'm pretty sure I'd enjoy it. Plus, it could have been put in an exhibit. Parts of it still could be, but I'm not sure if the curator will do that or not. It's just amazing to me that I get to be around these sorts of things. I don't deal with these kinds of things daily. Like I said, I spend the better part of my time in front of the computer working with documents in the archives. That's still fun and interesting, but to have something tangible that you can't read and figure out is just so...intriguing and interesting. I may have to go back to college and get some sort of degree or certification to work in a museum. Maybe. We'll see. ;-)

So, score one for the museum today! Unfortunately those lonely/sad feelings crept back after I left the museum. I just haven't been able to get away from them for very long today. I'm sure part of it is because I didn't talk to Joe much today. We talked for about 15 minutes this morning and then nothing this evening. I know, I know. I should be thankful for those 15 minutes of garbled, delayed conversation that are even more muddled because both of us are half asleep. I should be. But, I need more. I need more than, "Hi. Can you hear me? Are you there? Oh, there's a delay. How did you sleep? I hope you have a good day. I love you." Seriously, that's pretty much all we get in. While that's awesome and it assures me that he's, you know, alive it's still not enough. I need my husband; I need to be able to talk to him... Really talk to him. It just sucks. 

I totally get the depression during the holidays now. Being alone completely sucks. How much longer 'til R&R?!


Something to Talk About

I had such great plans for this day. There was a whole list of things for me to do. If you know me pretty well you know that I'm not much of a list-maker, so that in itself is kind of a big deal. So many things to get done...

That was just the beginning of the list. I added things as the day wore on. Christmas gifts to buy, bills to pay - that sort of thing. Not really fun. You know, you'd think that this whole unemployed/housewife thing would be easy. Instead, I realize that I've got a bazillion things I should be doing every day. Most days I fail at doing these things. Honestly, it's hard for me to get motivated about house work when I have no husband walking in the door. I have enough issues doing that while he's here! =P

I started some laundry and then I got to work on my Christmas decorations for the kitchen: potholders and tea towels. I knocked out the 2nd potholder pretty easily. I've done 4 of them now, so I'm pretty sure I've got those down. The towel... Oh my gosh. I wanted to shoot myself! It took forever, and it definitely shouldn't have. However, I am a dork. I measured the towel to see how much fabric I'd need. I wrote down the measurements. And then I didn't follow them. I had it in my head that I knew them already. I did not. I cut the pieces of fabric about an inch shorter than they should have been. This complicates things. So, I tossed my original idea and came up with a patchwork style embellishment. This was the result. {And I'm still not completely happy with it.}

Folded - which is how it will hang once I have it out all the time.

Not folded...just so you can see what it looks like. :-/

Like I said, I'm not completely pleased. But I'm sure very few people will see all the flaws that I see. And, let's face it, how many people are actually going to be seeing my house around Christmas? Not so many. I'm still hoping that the next one turns out better. We'll see. And I'll be sure to keep you posted.

I also need to pull out my Christmas decorations from the storage closet. :-/ Yikes. I told Joe I might get lost in there. He suggested bread crumbs, a la Hansel & Gretel. I suggested that Jasper might eat the bread crumbs and I'd be forever lost in the depths of the storage closet. =P

There was one really awesome highlight of my day. =) I bet you'll never guess what is was!

A phone call from my hubby!! For those of you who don't have a hubby in the military, it's completely normal for a random number to pop up on the caller ID. I saw the number and knew it was him instantly. And my heart jumped. We talk on Skype, but it is SO hard to have a decent conversation between the wacky noises, delays and disconnects. Tonight I got 53 uninterrupted minutes of conversation with my sweet hubby. =) 

We're still mapping out our game plan for R&R. I have lots of things to do before he comes back!! I need to go shopping (*wink, wink*), get my hair cut, get a pedicure (and possibly a manicure), and maybe some waxing. Lots of other things too, but I'm afraid that would give away the dates for his arrival and we can't have that! OPSEC, OPSEC, OPSEC. OPSEC, OPSEC, OPSEC, OPSEC. ;)

Seriously though, it is so nice to be able to say "oh, we need to do this while you're here." Or, "what would you like me to make for you?" Those sorts of things just make me happy. Looking at the calendar is making me happy too. Of course, I know the second he's on a plane again I will hate the calendar once more. But knowing that there will be so much more GREEN on the Donut of Misery does give me some hope. It's all down hill after R&R, right?!

I'll leave you with this little gem. This weekend we got some rumbly thunder and some rain. =) It was heaven for me. I did love the fact that the weatherman was warning us of "loud booms" of thunder and it was just rumbly. That's a quiet evening in Oklahoma. =P Anyway, Jasper totally growled at the thunder further proving that it wasn't "real" thunder. He also did this for quite a while:

Do you think he was trying to figure out what was going on outside? ;-)


The Fun Stuff

Sundays are the best. My pastor is doing a series out of the book of John, called Life. He is totally and completely blowing me away. This man can preach! I love it. The first week it was "Who is This Jesus?" which gave us a description of who Jesus really is. Even for someone like me who was raised in church and saved at an early age, it was awesome. Last week was about God's plan - how His timing is not always our timing.

This week was [something like] "Mud in Your Eye." He told the story from John 9 (or 6...I have intermittent dyslexia =P) where Jesus puts mud on the blind man's eyes, tells him to go wash his eyes in the pool of Siloam and he was healed. The basics of it are this: The healing (or answer to a prayer) doesn't always come the way we want it to, or the way we think it will come. Sometimes, it can even be an irritation. Think about it. Jesus put mud IN they guy's eyes. That had to have hurt or been super annoying! Then Jesus sends him on a long walk to this place where he's supposed to wash his eyes. He's blind. Jesus told him to walk all this way... He had to have been upset about that. --> So, our journey to the answered prayer/healing is also very important. So, so powerful. How many times have I gotten upset when things have changed - haven't gone according to plan? How many times have I prayed for something only to get in the middle of some wacky, annoying situation? Awesome, awesome, awesome. I stinkin' love my pastor.


I've started reading What to Expect Before You're Expecting. I love the title. =P Makes my love of planning things even more funny. Anyway, I was reading about weight and diet tonight. Ugh. Ugh, ugh, ugh. According to the BMI, I am slightly overweight. Yuck. Not much... I'd probably be ok, but this is just another reminder that I should be working out on a regular basis. *sigh* 

Also, my diet has been super sucky lately. Wanna know what I had for dinner tonight? It ain't pretty, y'all. A bag of popcorn, 3 twizzlers and a gingerbread cookie. Oh, and a glass of sweet tea. Not so sure that's baby friendly. Or healthy. Oh, and take a look at what happened to the bag of popcorn.

Woops. I still can't believe I did that!

Jasper got to reap the benefits of my accident. =P

I was not hungry at all... Junk food sounded way better than attempting to cook for myself. Lean Cuisine has been my lifesaver in the last two weeks. I have no "want to" to cook at all. Except for cookies. I could bake lots and lots of cookies. Maybe I should find meals that I could bake.... Hmmm...


I finally got to have a decent Skype chat with Joe today!! We talked for like 2 seconds this morning... Which made me sad. I had waited all morning (ok, like an hour) to talk to him and then his internet finally decided to work right about the time I needed to get in the shower and get ready for church. I chatted a little longer than I should have...because I was super emotional and did NOT want to have to go. I definitely cried when we hung up. I have cried a lot in the last few days. I'm sure it's hormone-related, but geez!! Cut a girl some slack! I feel like I cry a lot more than I should. Especially for someone who is NOT pregnant.

We got to talk again tonight, and for much longer. Woo! We did get interrupted several times, but we were lucky enough to be able to reconnect. This is rare. Very rare. Once again I was reminded of the many reasons why Joe and I are so incredibly perfect for each other. I was telling him about the Scentsy party last night, and that I had mentioned his, um, accident/mistake when we got our first warmer. He put a whole BAR in the warmer. You wanna talk about an overpowering scent?! Oh my goodness! Anyway, he said he was happy to provide me with entertainment - free entertainment. =P I love that silly guy. Aaaand then we were talking about guns. I haven't gone shooting in such a long time... And I'm dying to get my own handgun, if just to have in the house. So, we're adding "go to the firing range" to our R&R to do list. =) I told him that I suppose the statement, "you can take the girl out of the country, but you can't take the country out of the girl" is true. =P


Ok, who else was totally in love with the New Kids on the Block and Backstreet Boys performance tonight?! *raises hand* Ooh, ooh pick me! ;-) I was in boy band heaven for 3ish minutes. And how much do you wanna bet that those Justin Beiber teeny bopper girls had NO CLUE who either of those bands were?! It felt good to see a comeback... I love BSB, but I am an 'NSYNC girl through and through. I listened to them first and just fell in love. I can remember listening to them on cassette tape (I hadn't entered the CD world yet) in my bedroom and dancing around. Ah, memories.

Look at those baby faces!! I still think that JC was the hottest of the bunch. Sorry, Justin. ;-)

I just had to post that one. =)

I was lucky enough to have this CD in my stereo one night when it decided to randomly turn on. Waking up to NSYNC would have been nice if 1) It hadn't been 1 a.m. (I did actually go to bed early at one point in my life) and 2) If it were them in person. Lol! ;-)

I was lucky enough to marry someone who was a Backstreet Boys fan. But, he also listens to 'NSYNC. One night when we were dating, we sat in his car listening to 'NSYNC and the Backstreet Boys and acting like total goobers. I loved every. single. minute. of it. =) Of course, we still do this from time to time. Reason # 5987 I love him.

Hope y'all had a good weekend!


Smelly Things

Today...was a weird day. I woke up uber grumpy. Maybe more emotional than grumpy, but I was most definitely "in a mood."

I got up at 0800 - as usual - to get online and talk to Joe. 0900 rolled around and I pretty much gave up hope. I was frustrated because we'd only gotten like 10 minutes in the past 2 days. {I know I should be thankful, but I'm really used to talking to him every day. Makes things different.} So, I im'ed my bestie on Skype. We chatted for a while and then Joe was finally online and able to video chat. Then we kept getting cut off. And to top it off he gave me some not-so-great news that I can't post on here because of OPSEC. It's nothing to do with R&R, for the record. But what he told me scares the living crap out of me! I know it's his job...but that doesn't mean I can't be scared!

We im'ed for a while before getting cut off again and I just lost it. Scared. Angry. Angry at God for allowing this. I know it all sounds really dramatic... I told you I was emotional this morning. Melissa suggested that I take a hot shower (my bathtub is made for little people) and go do something fun. So, after I got over my initial crapiness, I took a shower. I don't know about you, but I tend to do lots of thinking in the shower. Lots and lots. Praying also happens in the shower. I don't understand it, but it does. So I thought... I cried... I completely broke down... Aaaaand then I prayed.

Like most people, I have serious issues just giving things completely over to God. I know it's not right. I know he can handle all my itty bitty problems. I know he'll protect my husband. I know, I know, I know. So why can't I just stop trying to do it on my own?! *sigh* Stupid human nature. I don't know how God puts up with us.

After that, the rest of my day was pretty good! Funny how that works isn't it? After my shower/breakdown I was tired. I'd turned on the LSU game before and I just laid down on the couch. I fell asleep. =P I'm not sure for how long, but it was a pretty nice nap!! Except that I hadn't eaten lunch before the nap, so I was starving! Then I decided that I just wasn't into the LSU game and I put in a DVD of Grey's Anatomy. Perfection. Then, the OU game came on and I got to watch them stomp Baylor! =D I wasn't too worried about that game since we always, always, always beat them.

During the middle of the game... Jasper went nuts and peed under our bed. I really thought that he couldn't get under our bed, but he has proven me wrong. Anyway, he was going back to our bedroom for the 9 millionth time today, and I was just sick of him being in there. He lays on the bed and gets dog hair all over the place. It annoys me. So, I was going to retrieve him. Well, he got under the bed. I guess he thought I was mad at him because when I went to grab him, he started peeing. *sigh* Normally, it wouldn't irritate me so much, but this is the THIRD TIME in 3 days that he's peed in the house. Thursday when Chantal came over. Friday when the maintenance guy freaked him out (though I totally don't blame him for that one). And then today. So my house has smelled like pee for half the weekend. NOT. COOL. He's house-trained. He's even crate trained! Reversion maybe? I don't know, but I can't take this much longer.

After the game, it was time for a Scentsy party with Chantal! One of her coworkers lives near me, so she came to my house and then we went to the party. I'd never been to a Scentsy party before tonight, but you wouldn't believe that if you walked into my house. =P My mom bought me a large warmer for Christmas last year and that one is in my kitchen. I bought a beachy plug in for the living room this summer (via Melissa) and then I won one Thursday. Grand total: 3 And I have 2 or 3 scents. But, the party tonight was so much fun! Just a bunch of Army wives... And we totally ended up talking about our husbands. We're such women. Lol! I actually met a girl who is friends with my next door neighbor (who just had a baby)! That was pretty cool. I smelled probably every scent that Scentsy has. Love, love, love. I had a hard time deciding what to buy. I ended up getting one of the "package deals." I got a red mid-size warmer (for the kitchen) and 3 scents for $35. You get ONE full size warmer for $30! I think I got a good deal. It was super fun.

So, it was a totally weird day. I hope I wake up on the right side of the bed tomorrow. I'm sure my husband would appreciated it if I didn't bit his head off again. He knows I'm totally not a morning person, but still. I should try to be better...at least for a few minutes. ;-)

Hope y'all are having a great weekend!


FFC Week Seven Winner!

Well, hello Week Seven. Didn't you just creep up on me? =)

Seems like just a week ago I launched this little project.

I think it's gone pretty well with the exception of last week.

See for yourself, though.

Here are the photos we've seen (in reverse order):

Wow. Just looking back I'm in awe of the great photos!

Several different people entered this week, which was very exciting.

What with the weather in the South, it makes sense. =)

Before I start rambling on, let me announce this week's winner!

Congratulations to...


Such a lovely photo. =)

Thanks to all of you who entered AND voted!

Next week is the last week of the Fall Foto Contest!

I know it's not technically the end of fall, but after Thanksgiving I'm in full-on Christmas mode.

So whatever you do, don't forget to take a photo and email it to me!

I know it's the week of Thanksgiving, so send 'em to me as early as you want!

Just be sure to stop by my blog next Friday after all your shopping and vote for your favorite.


I hadn't 100% decided on this before, but this is how I've decided to handle the winner of the contest:

As you know, a winner is chosen each week and put into the "playoff." 

What I plan to do is post each person's winning photo. 

Then, YOU will vote on which is the best.

The best of the best.

The person with the most votes is winner of the Fall Foto Contest.

Make sense?

I think this is pretty fair. What do you think?


Fall Foto Contest: Week Seven

Yay for more photos this week!! 

Thank you for entering your photos and keeping it going!

Here are this week's lovely entries:

Photo by Rebecca

Photo by Jessica

Photo by SLM

Photo by Erin

And just for fun, I'll show you a picture I "borrowed" from a friend.

 This was taken on the campus where Joe and I went to college.
Makes me miss home (and college...) a little bit.

Alrighty, now it's time for the voting!

Just check out the poll on the right sidebar and vote for your favorite photo!

Thanks again to the ladies who entered! 

I may not email you back, but I DO love your photos!

Happy Voting. =)