Yesterday was sweet little Millie's birthday.
It still seems crazy to me that she is a year old... I just can't figure out where the past year went!! I mean, seriously, didn't this just happen?
And now, we look like this!
The changes that happen over the span of a year will never cease to amaze me.
Millie's birthday was pretty low-key. Our day went as usual until dinner time. Pop and Bossi got pizza for the birthday girl's dinner, and Mommy and Daddy got her a cookie cake!
We attempted cupcakes when we visited my side of the family for Thanksgiving, and she didn't go for them AT. ALL. The cookie, however....
Well, it seemed to go over pretty well. ;-) She even whined for some of my piece! I'm really glad she liked it so much, since I didn't really know what else to do for a little girl who wasn't won over by cupcakes!
Then, of course, it was present time!
After dinner and present-opening, Millie got in on some fun times with her sister and cousins. She can't do much with them since they're so much bigger, but she loves playing with them. Thankfully, her cousin Eden does a good job taking care of her.
All in all, I think she had a pretty great birthday. I felt so much pressure to have Charlotte's party just right, but I didn't feel that way with Millie's party. I think mostly because I know it's not the party, the presents, or the cake (or cookie) that really matters. We're surrounded by family, fun, and lots of laughs. What better way to celebrate a birthday?

Happy birthday, sweet Millie! I can't believe you've been with us for a whole year! While it feels like you've always been with us, it still also feels like we just brought you home from the hospital. (But without all of the late-night feedings. ;-)) You are the silliest, sweetest little girl, and you have taught us so much already. You love to laugh, play with (and pester) your sister, feed the dog, get into things you're not supposed to, and explore. You are so different from your sister, and yet sometimes so similar. But that's okay, because you are you, and we love you the way you are, sweet Millie-willie. ;-) I hope you always have a smile on your face, and will always be close to your big matter how much she tries to smother you with her bear hugs. Happy Birthday to our Rainbow. We love you so much!